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Events and communications company provides activity update

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . Xcyte Digital Corp. (TSXV:XCYT) deploys scalable, tailored solutions to address events and communications challenges. Its mission is to redefine experiences and p...

How Much Crude Oil Do You Unknowingly Eat?

You may think (or hope) that in your daily life you don't need to worry about unknowingly eating or otherwise ingesting crude oil or any of its many, many petrochemical byproducts. But you would be wrong. And not just a little wrong--very, very wrong. Petroleum-based substance...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Sell in May and go away?

As investors assess the strategy of liquidating positions before the summer, lingering concerns over an impending economic recession haven’t appeared to slow down activity on the Bullboards. Instead, as we approach zero hour on the deadline to settle t...

Is Scottie Resources a Deeply Undervalued Gold Junior in the World-Famous Golden Triangle?

In May I conducted an in-depth interview with Brad Rourke, president and CEO of Scottie Resources Corp. (SCOT:TSX.V) . Scottie owns/controls 18,544 hectares (~45,823 acres) in the world-famous Golden Triangle (GT) in northwestern British Columbia in Canada. Some of t...

Klondike Golden Moments

Foreword: This tale grew from a chance nugget discovery along the shore of a humble Yukon creek carving through the remote Territory and became the great history of the Klondike Gold Rush. Join author James Kwantes as he touches down in the Yukon with 12 exciting stories and c...

The V-Recovery and Beyond

Summary: In the months since the COVID-19 crash began, stock prices have been on a wild ride in anticipation of a tsunami of poor economic data. However, some investors appear to be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel including McAlinden Research Partners (MRP)...