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Buzz on the Bullboards: More tricks or treats this investing season?

Hallowe’en is always a spooky season, between next week’s U.S. election, the spreading battles across the globe, and the cost of living … there is plenty to be scared about. Even so, your stock portfolio need not be one of those things. ...

A world-class copper opportunity in Peru

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . The Market Online recently caught up with Ivan Bebek, the co-founder and CEO of Coppernico Metals Inc , a mineral exploration company focused on creating value for...

Nvidia! Turnaround for Nel, Saturn Oil & Gas, Lufthansa, TUI?

It looks like a peak is forming in artificial intelligence. The most prominent share here is Nvidia (NDAQ:NVDA) . With a spectacular rally, the value has surged by more than 100 per cent in just six months. However, the share price is now stuttering, and there have been ...

New technology to screen for security threats

Liberty Defense Holdings ( TSXV:SCAN ) ( OTCQB:LDDFF ) has spent USD$30 million over the last two years developing a next generation threat detection solution for the aviation and the urban security market. The company recently announced sales and is making progress on a ...

Aviation industry remains up in the air rebounding from COVID-19

Aviation is a multi-billion dollar industry that gets us where we need to go, but with those dollars comes a lot of attention especially when incidents, good or bad end up on social media. As the airline industry navigates, rebounding, following the COVID-19 pandemic, as ...

It’s Time to Start Talking about the Elephant in the Room

By Jonathan Goodman We at Dundee Goodman Merchant Partners have spent most of our working lives in the resource industry. Collectively we are money managers, geologists, engineers, mining operators, and natural resource/mining bankers. Moreover, all of us are person...

Next-generation augmented reality wayfinding for the real-world metaverse

Hello and welcome to The Market Herald, I’m Daniella Atkinson, and this is The Topline. ARWay Corporation is engaged in developing and operating the ARway mobile app. ARWay is an all-in-one, no-code, real-world Metaverse creation tool with self-generat...

HAVN Life Sciences: Using psychedelics, specifically mushrooms, to improve mental health

Mental health, as we know, controls a large part of how we interact with the world around us. Our next guest knows this and is working to improve the mental health of those struggling by using psychedelics, specifically mushrooms. Psychedelics are not federally l...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Creating Cash out of an Economy Crunch

(Image via Bombardier Inc.) If you’re looking to see the stocks that investors have been keeping an eye on over the past week, you’ve come to the right place. The Stockhouse community regularly acts as a microcosm of investor sen...

Record Natural Gas Prices Helping Co. to Become Cash Cow as Big Oil Rakes in Billions

Tightening energy supplies and geopolitical tensions have led to greatly increased worldwide natural gas and oil prices, making investors the only winners. Soaring European energy prices are hitting households and energy providers. Since the fall of 2021, energy prices have be...
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