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Part II – We Are Concerned About The Real Estate Market

In this second part of our research into the potential collateral damage, the Covid-19 global virus event may cause in the housing and commercial real estate markets, we want to start by sharing some information that severe cracks are already starting to appear in the entire...

The Company that’s taking Psychedelics from ‘Underground to Mainstream’

(Click image to play video) On a trip to Amsterdam, an item on many traveler’s agendas would be to indulge in some famed Dutch truffles. It is an experience to heighten the mind that Canadian public Company Red Light Holland Corp. (TRIP) ( CSE: T...

Wounded Animals, Indeed

"The permabulls will tell you that the bullion banks and their treasury department conspirators have lost all power in this 'new paradigm' and we should relax and refrain from worry. I tend to disagree because wounded animals are the singular most dangerous of all creat...

The Coming Great Global Reset

In the first quarter of 2019, global debt hit $246.5 trillion. Encouraged by lower interest rates, governments went on a borrowing binge as they ramped up spending, adding $3 trillion to world debt in Q1 alone. It reverses a trend that started in the beginning of 2018, of ...

The Later United States Empire

In 1917, the United States created the federal debt limit (or ceiling) to make it easier to finance World War One, essentially allowing Congress to borrow money to pay for the war effort by issuing bonds. By 1939 with World War Two looming, Congress passed the first aggre...

A recession is coming, buy gold explorers with scale

Mining has a well-worn adage, “grade is king”. While that may be true in some situations, it’s the opposite in others, where a lower-grade deposit can actually reap more profits. This is especially true if the mine is underground, wher...

$1B for Trump’s border wall could fix crumbling military bases

As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information US military families will continue to stay in run-down accommodations while they visit their soldier sons and daughters. The Air Force won’t be able to rebuild two b...

$2 trillion infrastructure plan will require mega metals

The White House and Congress finally agreed to put their significant differences aside and work together on something constructive, no pun intended. On Wednesday it was announced that President Trump and Democratic congressional leaders plan to spend $2 trillion on US roa...

Is political partisanship killing America?

Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Israel’s 1981 annexation of the Golan Heights was reportedly made “after getting a quick history lesson during a conversation on a different subject,” states a news story that has been...

One of the Best Valued Companies in the Digital Assets Space

(Click image to play video) The booming financial technology, or fintech, sector is currently one of the hottest and most risk-adverse in capital markets today. And one Canada-based company is gaining significant traction and investor interest in this cutting-ed...
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