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Canadian mineral exploration company sets 2024 outlook

Our next company is Lahontan Gold Corp. (TSXV:LG) , a Canadian mineral exploration company. The company is engaged in the identification, acquisition, evaluation and exploration of mineral properties in Nevada. The Market Online interviewed Director, CEO and Presid...

Calima Energy: An environmentally responsible gas & oil producer

Hello and welcome to The Market Herald, I’m Daniella Atkinson, and this is The Topline. Calima Energy is an environmentally responsible gas and oil producer engaged in the exploration and development of oil and natural gas assets in the Sedimentary Bas...

Price-Leading Fuel Cell Technology with Zero CO2 Emissions

A fuel cell is a clean electrical power conversion/generation system, akin to a small power station that provides electricity and an equivalent amount of heat for various purposes. Alkaline Fuel Cell Power Corp. ( NEO.PWWR , Forum ) is at the forefront of this technolo...

The Great White North of Debt: What Canada's Monetary Policies Mean

As I sit here on a Thursday evening, contemplating the logic behind my most recent additions to a highly tentative short position on the SPY:US (the exchange-traded fund [ETF] tracking the S&P 500), I am doing everything in my power to not take my quote machine and proj...

The Inflation–Deflation Conundrum

As I sit here on the shores of lovely Lake Scugog, its weed-infested waters lying in wait for countless unsuspecting propellers soon to be ensnared, I am reminded of the failed world of central banking and policy initiatives, which too has become ensnared in flora of its ...

Weimar Fed in the Twenty-First Century

I was pacing around the house this lovely but cold Friday afternoon (after finally having the water supply restored after our well filed for unemployment benefits), trying desperately to think of a topic to write about in this weekly missive, when it suddenly occurred t...

Bob Moriarty's Thoughts on the Coronavirus

If there was ever a time for real leaders to step forward and lead, the last four months would have been the time to do so. If there was an issue that demanded cooperation from all the nations of the world, we have seen it. Instead we have been fed a steady diet of disinf...

Renewable energy stocks could be the first to recover, says JPMorgan

ZAIR: Supercharging The Energy Transition • “Everything works – and will continue to work – as long as we have electricity. It’s what keeps the lights on, the oxygen flowing, the information going. Everything is the grid, the grid, the grid.&Clo...

Visionary Vicissitude

It was one of those days that all sexagenarians loathe; you have to go to the doctor, and whether it's the GP (general practitioner) or the dentist or the proctologist, nothing reminds you more rapidly of your advancing age than going to the optometrist. Now, many of ...

My Second-Worst Nightmare

It was only a few hours ago that I was cruising through a lovely early-autumn Friday afternoon preparing for one of the last weekends at the marina for the 2019 season when I came across the much-heralded (and often misinterpreted) COT report. I was on the way up the ea...
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