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A Rare Earth Elements/Critical Minerals Play Like Few Others

Back in January , our Stockhouse audience was introduced to a different kind of Canadian mineral development company focused on metals and minerals for use in clean energy and new technology – Avalon Advanced Materials Inc. ( TSX.AVL , OTC: AVLNF , Forum ). Recently, Sto...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Summer market madness

It is the first full day of summer and traders south of the border returned to the markets after a long weekend selling off shares on their first day back. Baytex Energy Stock made news after closing its acquisition of Ranger Oil Corp. for C$2.9 billion. T...

Q&A with Cerro de Pasco Resources: Newly appointed CTO on the value of sustainable mining

If the World Economic Forum is any authority on the subject, the mining and metals sector – in its inherent connection to almost all industry value chains – “is an integral part of any foreseeable economy and society.” To that end, and with an ever-growi...

Explorers Targeting Saskatchewan's Diversified Mineral Prospects

Saskatchewan is the largest exporter of agri-food products in Canada; however, it is also notable for hosting a variety of mineral resources and even heat for a new geothermal plant. The Prairie province has approximately half of the world’s potash res...

BYD – Defense Metals, VW – The Next Boom After Hydrogen

Demand not to cover The situation is dramatic with the scarcity of "rare earth". Permanent magnets for electric motors are produced based on rare earth metals. In ten years, the experts at Adamas Intelligence predict that the demand for rare earth oxides for use in magn...

The Metal Trump Wants More Than Gold

China has a monopoly on one of the most strategic metals on the planet, and Washington is anxious to change that. Global dominance at this point in the game means control of the rare earths elements that form the backbone of existing technology and the future of technology...

Europe is Serious about Raw Materials for its Green Transition, so is This Junior Miner

(Map of Leading Edge Materials Corp.’s European projects and IEA estimated growth in demand for graphite and rare earth elements from clean energy technologies in 2040 relative to 2020 levels). Image via Leading Edge Materials Corp. Click to enlarge.) ...

Palladium One delivers maiden resource

Palladium One Mining (TSX-V:PDM, FRA:7N11) is exploring for platinum group elements (PGEs) at its LK Project in north-central Finland, and for nickel, copper and PGEs at its Tyko property near Marathon, Ontario . The company is focused on LK, where surface chip samples t...

Platinum Group Metal Cowboys in Montana

A small-cap company in Montana is exploring to find out if its property contains "Platreef-style" PGE mineralization. There is a 30-mile long geologic slice of layered magmatic intrusion cutting through the Beartooth Mountain range in south-central Montana that closel...

Marvel Discoveries Spins Out Two Properties & Expects Blackfly Project Drilling Soon

Marvel Discoveries (MARV.V) spins out two properties and expects drilling on Blackfly project to begin soon While Marvel’s main stable of assets grows, spin-offs are inevitable. Scarlett Johansson spins off into her own Black Widow movie. Everyone&CloseCur...
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