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Barrick Gold, Desert Gold, Gazprom: Using volatility wisely

The stock exchange is not a one-way street, and for this reason, there are also fluctuations in price formation. There is no such thing as a fair valuation that statically determines the value of a share. Every investor has different motives in investment decisions and about t...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Whose stocks sizzle during summer holidays?

As we get through the summer holiday season, the typically calmer market environment presents a prime opportunity for investors to evaluate their portfolios and consider new investments. The TSX continues to offer a variety of promising stocks, particularly in energ...

Unlocking the Power of Managed IT Services

(Click image to play video) Interface Technologies is a leading, privately-held Managed Information Technology Services Company located in Toronto, Ontario. A full-service provider that covers all the IT needs of small to midsize businesses, Interface Technolo...

A Short Update on Irving, Lion One and Novo

In my experience everyone tends to make investing wisely way too complicated. Simple works, complicated doesn't. I think the first site visit I went on was to a gold project in Xinjiang province in Western China over eighteen years ago. The gold bull was but a calf. S...

Managed IT Services As A Money Saving Mechanism

Successful business owners realize the importance of reducing operating costs without affecting their company’s overall performance. Saving time and money is always a fundamental business goal, and it is more important than ever in small and midsize companies...

Daimler, Lufthansa, Royal Helium - the crisis is an opportunity for wealth

As is well known, the future is traded on the stock exchange and for this reason investors are always looking for the right time to start a new investment. It can be political decisions or new technological trends that cause sales and profits to soar. In the case of Covid-19, ...

The True Causes Behind the Yield Curve Inversion and Gold

By now, everyone and their brother has heard about the yield curve inversion. How come it has inverted and how much should we read into it? Is it really such a reliable indicator of an upcoming recession? Let’s dig into the true causes behind the inversion and ...

Getchell Wins the Nevada Lotto

In every precious metals cycle there comes a time where a company has good assets but for one reason or another has failed to garner traction and has to pretty much give away projects. That point came for Canarc (CCM-V) last year. They pretty much gave away a high-grade g...

Eminent Gold: Driving world class gold discoveries in Nevada

Eminent Gold Corp (TSXV:EMNT) is a Nevada focused gold exploration company pursuing world-class gold discoveries using new concepts and modern exploration methods. The Market online recently sat down with CEO and Director, Paul Sun. The following is a transcription...

California Gold Mining Inc. Partners With #Hemp Specialist Group

This article is about California Gold Mining Inc.’s latest news regarding its industrial hemp segment. I will stick to the hemp segment and not discuss the gold exploration side of the business, as there’s no new news on that front. Califor...
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