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Tariffs Are Having a Bigger Effect on U.S. Manufacturing Than Initially Thought

The U.S. manufacturing sector contracted for the fifth straight month in December, with the monthly reading from the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) hitting its weakest point in more than 10 years. The purchasing manager’s index (PMI) fell to 47.2,...

Stumbling Manufacturing and Rising Gold – Now or Later?

American manufacturers are scoring ever deeper recessionary readings. We haven’t seen this bad an ISM Manufacturing reading in quite a while. Can it take the broader economy with it? And what about gold – when exactly will it get its shine? ISM Manufacturing...

Important Economic News Calendar: October 28 – November 1, 2019

Brace for a very busy week on the financial markets! The Fed will decide about the U.S. monetary policy and the Bureau of Labor Statistics will release its usually important monthly figures. Will quarterly corporate earnings push stock prices to new record highs? Let&Clos...

Power of Narratives and Gold

The U.S. manufacturing sector has been growing weaker recently, entering recession. How serious is this contraction, and does it have the power to spill over to the broader economy? Let’s turn to gold – how far can these developments take us on the yellow brick...

GBP/USD – Pound in Holding Pattern Ahead of British GDP, Manufacturing Production

Kenny Fisher GBP/USD is showing little movement for a fifth straight day. Currently, the pair is trading at 1.3155, up 0.07% on the day. All Eyes on British GDP, Mfg. Production Investors are keeping a close eye on the monthly GDP report....

Manufacturing Goes Deeper Into Recession, Yet Gold Remains Muted. Why?

The ISM Manufacturing index fell 0.2 point to a reading of 48.1 in November. However, gold struggles to find momentum. What is going on exactly? U.S. Manufacturing Sector Slumps Further The Institute for Supply Management announced that its index of national factory a...

Market News Report: February 17, 2020 - February 21, 2020

The financial markets continued trading in a risk-on mode last week, as China virus fears were easing and economic data was supporting Fed’s easy monetary policy. This week we will have another series of quite important economic data releases. Let&CloseCurlyQuo...

Important Economic News Calendar: September 30 – October 4, 2019

The U.S. Consumer Confidence number release caused a lot of confusion for the markets on Tuesday. And it was worth paying attention to our last week’s News Calendar. This week, the new quarter begins, and we will have series of important economic data announcem...

Important Economic News Calendar: November 18 – November 22, 2019

The Fed’s Powell testimony on the economy before Congress pushed stock prices higher last week. And it was worth paying attention to that news. But will the next set of economic data confirm the bullish outlook? Investors will have to focus on Wednesday&CloseCu...

Market News Report: February 3, 2020 - February 7, 2020

Last week’s economic data releases have been dimmed by China virus crisis intensity on Friday, but there was an increase in volatility following Wednesday’s FOMC and the important quarterly earnings releases on Tuesday and Thursday. This week we...
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