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Nickel surplus to be diminished by Indonesian export ban

Why does nickel continue to be in great demand? The simple answer is that nickel has better corrosion resistance, better toughness and better strength at high and low temperatures than other metals, as well as a range of special magnetic and electronic properties. It is also...

Palladium One delivers maiden resource

Palladium One Mining (TSX-V:PDM, FRA:7N11) is exploring for platinum group elements (PGEs) at its LK Project in north-central Finland, and for nickel, copper and PGEs at its Tyko property near Marathon, Ontario . The company is focused on LK, where surface chip samples t...

Natural Gas Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – Bearish as Long as Forecast is Accurate

Weekend runs from both the American and European models advertised “a big move warmer,” shedding around 15-20 gas-weighted degree days from the 15-day outlook, according to Bespoke Weather Services. James Hyerczyk ...

Natural Gas Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – EIA Storage Report Expected to Show 91 Bcf Pull

The EIA will report on weekly storage at 15:30 GMT. The report is expected to show a drawdown of 91 Bcf for the week-ending January 10. James Hyerczyk Natural gas futures are edging higher shortly before the...

When the levee breaks

In George Steinbeck’s epic novel ‘The Grapes of Wrath’, a poor family of tenant farmers and thousands of other “Oakies” hitch up their wagons to make the trek to California in search of work and a better life. A savage dr...

Natural Gas Price Fundamental Weekly Forecast – ‘Gap and Go’ Rally Possible if Cold Moves into US

If the cold weather shifted to the south then look for a gap higher opening. The size of the rally will be determined by how far south the cold weather will travel and whether it hits high demand areas. James Hyerczyk Natural gas futures finished high...

Top Energy Stocks – January 2020

The global demand for energy is climbing higher and higher. In 2017, it was up 2.1%. This energy growth comes from demand for fuels and electricity and it is expected to grow 25% by 2040. As energy demand rises, energy stocks can increase their value over the long term. Energy...

Buzz on the Bullboards: The ups and downs of the fall investing season

For us here on the West Coast it has been a hot autumn and the markets have been just as intense. This means Bullboard activity has also been sizzling. Many sectors have seen new (and returning) companies generate a lot of discussion as a result. This week we&CloseCur...

Fresh water crisis unfolding

When planetary scientists search for life on other planets the first thing they look for is evidence of water. “There are two main questions in the search for life: With so many places to look, how can we focus in on the places most likely to harbor life? What are the unmi...

Rigged Market Socialism

As a child, I used to get quite excited at the prospect of having my English "Gran" read me the Hans Christian Andersen book "The Emperor's New Clothes." I found the tale fiendishly amusing, as the charlatan tailor uses lethal doses of flattery and mystery to beguile t...
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