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What Do These Three Charts Have in Common?

Bob Moriarty of 321gold provides three charts for readers. Hint: That's what massive tops look like. Don't tell anyone else, I want to keep it a secret between you and me. Bob Moriarty founded , with his late wife, Barbara Moriarty, more...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Hot stocks from copper to Bombardier and AI

These leap-days are a rare treat. Not only is it an extra day to hold off on rent/mortgage payments, but an extra day to take stock of February’s wild ride. Last week, we saw the TSX hit a 22-month high while major U.S. indices also had their best pe...

Gold Is Starting to Look Toppy

Bob Moriarty of 321gold urges caution as the gold bulls revive. Gold bulls are coming out of hibernation, with even billionaires talking about how much they like gold. That tends to happen just before a correction. The gold bulls get frothy around the mouth;...

Gold Is Due a Correction

All markets go up. All markets go down. No market ever goes straight up unless it's the end of the world and in that case why would you care? Gold hit bottom in early 2016. Smart money was buying then. Gradually gold rose and fell with the tide until lately when it we...

Silver, Gold and Platinum Are Due a Break

When you are climbing the steepest of mountains, especially at high altitudes, it can be tiring. If you start getting a nosebleed, you are simply working too hard and need a break. The DSI (Daily Sentiment Index) on gold hit 97 four weeks ago and while it has struggled ...

The Daily Sentiment Suggests a Major Market Top Is Near

As of November 18 th , sentiment for the S&P futures and the Nasdaq Index is approaching nosebleed territory. The infusion of hundreds of billions of dollars on the Fed's balance sheet since Mid-September has pumped the stock market higher in response. But no matter how...

White Gold Hits Gold Bigly

I called for a pop in the price of White Gold Corp. (WGO:TSX.V; WHGOF:OTCMKTS) when I wrote about them two weeks ago . We got it. The shares were $0.77 when I wrote and went as high at $0.99 in short order. I compared WGO to Great Bear and in my view stated that I ...

One-Week Sale on Aurania Shares

Bob Moriarty of 321gold describes the investment opportunity in this company. Aurania Resources Ltd. (ARU:TSX.V) has 2 million warrants at $3 due to expire on Dec. 29. Typically, as warrant expiration approaches, warrant holders who are short of cash will sell the sh...

My Prediction for a Market Top in October Was Perhaps Left but Not Wrong

The "Everything Bubble" just burst. Here's why. I was in Vietnam from July 1968 until March 1970. From November 1968 until July 1969 I was flying the O-1 Birddog as a forward air controller (FAC). Back then I used to believe all the bull our government puts out. Now...

The Golden Asteroid That Could Make Everyone On Earth A Billionaire

Whether it was the Big Bang, Midas or God himself, we don't really need to unlock the mystery of the origins of gold when we've already identified an asteroid worth $700 quintillion in precious heavy metals. If anything launches this metals mining space race, it will be th...
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