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Ibogaine Drug Development: Creating The Gold Standard For Addiction Treatment

(Click image to play video.) A renewed interest in the therapeutic power psychedelic of compounds is revealing a potent and commercially viable solution. Vancouver BC-based Universal Ibogaine Inc. (UI) ( TSX-V: IBO , Forum ) is positioned to address the opioid e...

Biopharma Co. Makes Major Headway Toward Clinical Trials for Treatment of Stroke

(CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO) Finding an effective method of preventing the possibility of stroke is something that medical science has grappled with for decades. Now, a Vancouver-based clinical stage biopharmaceutical development company looks to be making significa...

AMPD is leading the transition to the next generation of computing infrastructure

Welcome to the Market Herald Top Line. I’m Brieanna McCutcheon, reporting from Downtown Vancouver. AMPD is a next-generation infrastructure company looking to reinvent the internet to support low-latency applications in an environmentally conscious w...

Star Navigation Systems Group: What is an Inflight Safety Monitoring System and why is this tech uni

Star Navigation bridges the gap between flight experience and flight safety. In the aerospace industry, the Ontario-based aviation safety tech company offers both hardware and software solutions that work in real-time. The company continues to gain traction with ...

Stronger. Faster. Cheaper. Welcome to the New EV Charging Station

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is now in full gear, but there still remains a few obstacles to get more buyers into the market – namely EV range anxiety or the fear that their car's battery will die on them mid-trip. Now, there’s a single-source soluti...

Aviation industry remains up in the air rebounding from COVID-19

Aviation is a multi-billion dollar industry that gets us where we need to go, but with those dollars comes a lot of attention especially when incidents, good or bad end up on social media. As the airline industry navigates, rebounding, following the COVID-19 pandemic, as ...

Price-Leading Fuel Cell Technology with Zero CO2 Emissions

A fuel cell is a clean electrical power conversion/generation system, akin to a small power station that provides electricity and an equivalent amount of heat for various purposes. Alkaline Fuel Cell Power Corp. ( NEO.PWWR , Forum ) is at the forefront of this technolo...

Golden Arrow Resources Buying Back 10% of Outstanding Shares, Exploration Temporarily Halted by ...

Golden Arrow Resources Buying Back 10% of Outstanding Shares, Exploration Temporarily Halted by Pandemic The Critical Investor takes a look at recent actions taken by this gold explorer. The coronavirus pandemic together with the Saudi Arabia-Ru...

Big-Time Communications Play = A Profitable Small-Cap Opportunity

(Click image to play video) The importance of clear, reliable communications cannot be understated. From smartphones to emergency broadband radio transceivers to advanced military / civilian satellite systems…every aspect of our everyday lives is dependent on st...

Company with Technology to Revolutionize Electric Motors on the Radar of ...

Company with Technology to Revolutionize Electric Motors on the Radar of Canaccord Genuity Investment Advisor Exro's groundbreaking energy efficiency solution has attracted top talent, and manufacturers are signing on. Brent Todd, an investment a...
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