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Apple’s Bid To Own Mobile Payments

People paying by using their phone is certainly not new. When ApplePay launched back in October of 2014 there were predictions of millions of payments and billions of dollars being processed. Those predictions were ambitious and it turns out wildly overestim...

April 28th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: Uncertainty – Who will win ?

Uncertainty – Who will win? Wouldn’t we all like to know? Fact is that nobody knows. The best a market player can do is an educated guess. Stack your odds diligently and never bet the farm. Let’s take a look at some major market players. Mi...

Quantum Economics, Negative Interest Rates and Financially Transmitted Diseases

This week the US Federal Reserve announced an emergency rate cut of 0.5% (50bps). It is part of a coordinated effort by central bankers around the world to keep the decade long bull market going a few days longer. Ultra low interest rates and ever depreciating currencie...

Global Economy: The Dollar, Gold, and Interest Rates

My office is right in the heart of Vancouver’s financial district above an exchange where you can get dollars, gold or most any other international currency. Directly across the street from me is the old Vancouver Stock Exchange. From here, the hub of th...

A Key Investment Strategy into Monetizing and Host Webinars

Investors with a keen eye to the live video conferencing technology boom, should look at the entire space beyond Zoom. Enter Personas Social Inc. ( TSX-V.PRSN , OTCMKTS: PRSNF , Forum ) – a unique company engaged in the business of offering live video conferencing ...

PlantX Life: Must-see Investor Update with CEO Julia Frank

(Click image to play video) They truly have become “the digital face of the plant-based community” and they’re called Plant-X Life Inc. (VEGA) ( CSE.VEGA , Forum ) – a one-stop-shop and distribution company with a fast-gr...

Monthly Breadth: Dark Clouds Or A Ray Of Hope?

MONTHLY BREADTH - MARCH 2000 Last week’s post looked at a weekly volume-based breadth indicator. With June in the history books, it is a good time to review the message from monthly breadth charts. As shown below, the monthly NYSE Advance-Decline Line peaked in 1998 and thu...

Feb 19th 2020, Silver Chartbook – Ignition on the monthly time frame – green light

Ignition on the monthly time frame – green light For those traders who like to be early in the moves and are willing to take some extra risk for extra rewards, we just found first system confirmations. For the monthly time frame in the silver market our trading model i...

Index Prediction System Is Telling Us A Very Different Story

On this day, celebrating fathers and all they do for families and their children, we thought we would share some really interesting research regarding the next six months trading expectations in the NASDAQ and what it means for your trading account. One element of our research...

Pinduoduo Stock Gains 15% After Company Reports Triple-Digit Increase in Quarterly Revenue

One year following its IPO, Chinese mobile and internet e-commerce platform company Pinduoduo Inc. reported 169% revenue growth and an 88% growth in monthly active users. Shanghai-based virtual bazaar mobile e-commerce platform operator Pinduoduo Inc. (PDD:NASDAQ) t...
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