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Drilling underway at a large copper-moly porphyry target in Peru

Western Metallica Resources Corp. (TSXV:WMS ), a mineral exploration company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, with five mineral assets across Peru and Spain has drilling underway in Peru. The Market Online recently sat down with CEO, Gregory Duras. The following i...

Barrick, Newmont, Desert Gold – the opportunity for gold

Imagine being part of a gold company before it catches the attention of the market’s major players – an opportunity that investors like Ross Beaty have already recognized. At a time when the world’s largest gold producers, such as Barrick ...

From the Yukon to Colorado, this Canadian Explorer has Unearthed Impressive Results

Commodities have been heating up this year – especially gold, having just eclipsed two thousand dollars U.S. per ounce – and exploration companies are on the prowl for precious metals. A leading company in this space – Alianza Minerals Ltd. (ANZ) ( TSX-V.ANZ , OTC:T...

Exploring District-Scale Land Packages in World-Class Gold Jurisdictions

Meet the global gold explorer that controls a number of early-stage properties in Ontario in areas with active and historic mining activities, along with three projects in Ghana, West Africa. Pelangio Exploration Inc. ( TSX-V.PX , OTC: PGXPF , Forum ) is a Canadian j...

Buzz on the Bullboards: The Next Pot of Gold in 2022?

(Photo of mineralization from NFGC-21-195 approximately 285m down hole depth and Right: NFGC-21-202 approximately 146m down hole depth. Image via New Found Gold Corp.) We have waited three long years for this: St. Patrick’s Day is back, and so are al...

A Profitable, Strong & Sustainable ESG Investment in Regenerative Agriculture

(Click to play video.) EarthRenew Inc. ( CSE.ERTH , OTC: VVIVF , Forum ) is a viable and sustainable company that supports a unique farm system that puts healthy soils and grower profitability back on the table. ERTH uses a circular economics of upcycling waste...

The Dual Threat Gold & Silver Opportunity that’s Rocking in the Cariboo

When we last just touched base via podcast about a year-and-a-half ago, Green River Gold Corp. (CCR) ( CSE.CCR , OTC: CCRRF , Forum ) had completed a very busy summer in the mining industry in British Columbia's Cariboo region. Fast-forward to today, and things contin...

Why This Company is Dominating the Plant-based Evolution

(Click image to watch video) It’s been an unprecedented year for PlantX Life ( CSE:VEGA , OTCQB:PLTXF , Forum ) , which is aptly called “the digital face of the plant-based community,” as the e-commerce platf...

The Undervalued Global Energy Asset Investors Need to Know About

(Click image to play video) TransGlobe Energy Corporation ( TSX.TGL , OTC: TGA , Forum ) is a Calgary-based energy company engaged in oil and natural gas exploration, development & production, and the acquisition of properties. The company has two geographi...

B2Gold, Barrick Gold, Desert Gold: Did Warren Buffett bet on the right horse?

The price of gold has stabilized above the USD 1,900.00 per troy ounce mark in recent weeks. Against the background that the Corona Pandemic is not slowing down and that a second wave is becoming measurable in many places, the actions taken by governments and central banks are...
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