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Protect Your Wealth Against the Law of Unintended Consequences

The United States is the strongest, most prosperous country on the planet. This has been made possible only by free markets and the rule of law. But even the U.S. is not immune to the unintended consequences of well-intentioned policies. I believe gold is a rational inv...

Daily Gold News: Tuesday, May 19 – Gold Backs From April’s High

The gold futures lost 1.25% on Monday after reaching new monthly high of $1,775.80. It has retraced almost all of its month-long decline from April’s high. On April 14 it was the highest since November of 2012 and the high was at $1,788.80. The market has rev...

Daily Gold News: Wednesday, May 20 – Precious Metals Higher but Gold Unchanged

The gold futures contract gained 0.65% on Tuesday as it retraced some of Monday’s decline from new monthly high of $1,775.80. On Monday it has retraced almost all of its month-long decline from April 14 high of $1,788.80. The market has reversed its short-ter...

Daily Gold News: Thursday, May 21 – Precious Metals Taking a Breather

The gold futures contract gained 0.37% on Wednesday as it continued to fluctuate after reaching new monthly high of $1,775.80 on Monday. It has retraced almost all of its downward correction from April 14 high of $1,788.80. The market is extending over month-long consolida...

Daily Gold News: Friday, May 22 – Less Volatility Ahead of Long Holiday Weekend

The gold futures contract lost 1.72% on Thursday as it extended a downward correction from Monday’s new monthly high of $1,775.80. The market reached its daily low at $1,715.30 yesterday. On Monday it had retraced almost all of the decline from April 14 hig...

Daily Gold News: Tuesday, May 26 – No Clear Short-Term Direction

The gold futures contract traded within a downward correction from its new monthly high of $1,775.80 last week. It has retraced almost all of the decline from April 14 high of $1,788.80 on Monday, before reversing downwards again. Gold price continues to trade within an ov...

Daily Gold News: Wednesday, May 27 – Gold at $1,700 Again

The gold futures contract lost 1.72% on Tuesday, as it extended its downward correction from last week’s Monday’s new monthly high of $1,775.80. It has retraced almost all of the decline from April 14 high of $1,788.80 before reversing downw...

Daily Gold News: Friday, May 29 – Gold at Yesterday’s High

The gold futures contract gained 0.09% on Thursday, as it extended its consolidation following bouncing off $1,700 support level on Wednesday. Gold has been trading within a downward correction after reaching new monthly high of $1,775.80 on Monday almost two weeks ago. ...

Daily Gold News: Monday, June 1 – Gold and Silver Higher Again

The gold futures contract gained 1.35% on Friday, as it retraced most of the decline from mid-May high of 1,775.80. Early in the last week it has been extending a consolidation after bouncing off $1,700 support level on Wednesday. Gold price is still trading within its med...

Daily Gold News: Tuesday, June 2 – Gold Going Sideways After Last Week’s Advance

The gold futures contract lost 0.08% on Monday, as it fluctuated following Friday’s advance of 1.35%. Early last week it has been extending a consolidation after bouncing off $1,700 support level on Wednesday. Gold price is still trading within its medium-t...
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