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Crunching Some Numbers and What They Say – Part I

This is one of those articles that are packed with resources showing your what to expect for various assets both long-term and short-term and will guide you through these volatile times and this year. Our friends and followers continue to contact us asking what to expect a...

Is This A Bear Market When Stocks Crash 20% and Bonds Spike 30%

It is another blood bath in the markets with everything down, including TLT (bonds) and gold. Safe havens falling with stocks is not a good sign as people are not comfortable owning anything, even the safe havens, and this to me is a very bearish sign. Now, with that said...

MediciNova Shares Rise 40% on Plans to Initiate COVID-19 ARDS Clinical Trial

Shares of MediciNova traded higher after the company reported that it plans to initiate a clinical study of MN-166 (ibudilast) for COVID-19 acute respiratory distress syndrome. Biopharmaceutical company MediciNova, Inc. yesterday announced that "it will ...

Review of Massively Successful Tech Puts Trades, and Why the Market Has Probably Hit a Bottom Here

Technical analyst Clive Maund discusses trading activity that took advantage of the market's drop. This article was conceived as a "souvenir article" to assist subscribers who did the trade—and I know from feedback that a significant number of you did—in glo...

S&P 500 in the Aftermath of Fed’s $2.3T Backstop

Let’s join yesterday’s Gold & Silver Weekend Special, and bring you an advance one in stocks as well. As the coronavirus crisis, response and anticipations are what is moving the markets, today’s Alert will draw on yesterday&Cl...

Neovasc Shares Climb 80% Upon FDA Premarket Approval Filing for Refractory Angina Device

Shares of specialty cardiovascular medical device company Neovasc Inc. opened more than 100% higher after the firm reported that it submitted a Premarket Approval application to the FDA for its Neovasc Reducer device for use in the treatment of refractory angina. This...

What to do if you like QE3 but stocks make you nervous

QE2 in 2010 and ‘Operation Twist’ in 2011 recovered the stock market from double-digit corrections that were underway at the time, and rescued investors from their extreme bearish sentiment each time. QE3 is underway and many are convinced that&CloseCurlyQu...

You’re Probably Underinvested in Gold

In a September report, the World Gold Council (WGC) pointed out that some investors are underexposed to gold. The gist of the study is that investors may assume they have adequate exposure to gold because they’re invested in a fund that tracks a broad-ba...

Time to Replace Bonds with Gold in Your Portfolio?

Recently, the WGC published a fresh Investment Update entitled It may be time to replace bonds with gold . Is it? According to the report, investors are now facing the environment with flat to inverted yield curves , stock valuations at extreme levels that historical...

Johnson & Johnson, Memphasys, Procter & Gamble - for a better life

Good health is a valuable possession. Small and large companies around the globe are engaged in research and development to make people's lives easier or better through modern and innovative products and solutions. The consumer goods and pharmaceutical sectors often offer attr...
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