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Rising Star Trillion Energy Ready to Supply Much Needed European Gas

Trillion Energy (CSE:TCF) is a company poised to bring on desperately needed natural gas production within weeks to the European market.

Ucore Rare Metals Looks to Shift the Focus From China to the US for REE Supply

Ucore Rare Metals Inc. (TSXV:UCU) is grabbing the mining industry by the horns thanks to its critical minerals separation technology and developing rare earth elements (REE) separation facility in Alaska.

Gazprom, Saturn Oil & Gas, Shell - Winners of a supply chain law

In recent weeks, the German media have frequently reported on a so-called supply chain law. The aim of such a law is to ensure that German companies respect human rights and protect the environment in the procurement of materials and products. The world should become a bette...

Leading Edge raising C$4.5M to supply European critical raw materials

Leading Edge Materials is offering a C$4.5 million non-brokered private placement Proceeds will be used to fund the company’s projects in Sweden and Romania The company has a 100 per cent stake in its Woxna Graphite Mine and Norra Karr ...

Commerzbank, Desert Gold, Deutsche Bank - Money supply increases significantly

There are various financial indicators in an economy that allow assessments of the current state. An important indication is, for example, the amount of money supply and its change. However, the amount of money is still divided into three classes according to its availability....

Oil Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – ...

Oil Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – Supply/Demand Picture Rosy; Low Volume Biggest Concern for Traders Speculative buyers have been driving prices higher for weeks on the hope of supply cuts and a trade deal. Low pre-holiday volume could cause these buyers to curtail...

Excess Money Supply Has Been Like Miracle-Gro for Gold Prices

The $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief package that President Donald Trump signed into law on March 27 is just the beginning. The Treasury Department is now seeking some $250 billion more to replenish small business loans, and there’s hope that the president...

High Premiums in Physical Gold Market: Scam or Supply Crisis?

During the coronavirus crisis many people couldn’t find physical gold, as there was a bullion shortage at dealerships. And these lucky individuals who managed to obtain bullion had to pay high premiums. We invite you to read our today’s articl...

Oil Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – U.S. Supply Will Control Price Action This Week

The late price behavior on Friday and early Monday suggests crude oil traders have fully priced in the Phase One trade agreement. This means that investors will be looking for further news to push prices through the important technical resistance levels in order to extend the...

Crude Oil Collapses Overnight On Supply Glut And Fractal Analysis Say $7 is Support

Crude Oil continues to be a big mover as the supply glut has really pushed global capacity to its limits. Dozens of full tanker ships are anchored off the California and Singapore coastlines waiting for demand to pick up. As long as the Virus shutdown persists globally, the ...
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