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Is this stunning 'evidence' that NervGen has the goods?

This could be the signal that tiny NervGen Pharma Corp. (TSX-V:NGEN; OTCQX:NGENF) is destined to be one of the top performing biotech startup stocks this year. It came in a seemingly innocuous podcast interview about the company’s ongoing Phase 1b/2...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Investment Opportunities on the Rise

(Image via Datametrex AI Ltd.) A busy week for the markets means a busy week for the Stockhouse Bullboards. From sudden investment opportunities to new sector mainstays, we saw a little bit of everything over the last seven days. First up, here&CloseCurlyQuo...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Don’t Get Spooked by these Market Performers

There is nothing scarier on Hallowe’en than an uncertain stock market. Lately, this is exactly what investors have been dealing with and part of what we try to demystify at Stockhouse. There have been many companies moving independent of the market...

XPhyto: Buyouts, Biosensors and a Booming Business

Test, test, test! It’s the World Health Organization’s battle cry in the global war against COVID-19 and other coronaviruses – including future outbreaks. And it is not getting any less resonant as new variants continue to cause ha...

The Revolutionary Co. That’s Breaking Through the Blood Brain Barrier

(Click image to play video) Delivery of therapeutics across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and into the brain has been the single greatest challenge to treating hundreds of common and rare neurological diseases, including brain cancers, neurodegenerative diseases...

A ‘Barrier’ to Better Health

(Click image to play podcast) The blood-brain barrier plays an essential role in protecting the brain from blood-borne disease. But is also one of medicine’s great paradoxes – a system designed to protect the most sensitive region of the body bu...

An Emerging Medical Market Play with Great Opportunity

(Image via Bioasis Technologies Inc.) Biopharmaceutical Company Bioasis Technologies Inc. ( TSX-V: BTI , OTCQB: BIOAF , Forum ) is developing its proprietary xB 3TM platform technology to deliver therapeutics across the blood brain barrier (BBB) and int...

Gilead, Teva, XPhyto - Global marketing potential

The best business models solve problems and are scalable. In this context, the healthcare sector is particularly interesting. The world's population has recently reached 7.8 billion people and for this reason solutions can meet a large potential market with users. Cross-border...

Protagonist's Shares Nearly Double After Reporting Q1 Earnings and Positive Phase 2 Trial Results

Shares of Protagonist Therapeutics traded higher and reached a new 52-week high price after the company released Q1/20 financial results and positive data from its Phase 2 study of PTG-300 in patients with polycythemia vera, a type of blood cancer. After U.S...

Adaptimmune Shares Triple as SPEAR T-cell Platform Delivers Initial Responses ...

Adaptimmune Shares Triple as SPEAR T-cell Platform Delivers Initial Responses in Four Solid Tumor Indications Shares of Adaptimmune Therapeutics more than tripled in value after the company reported that its SPEAR T-cell platform delivered positive initial responses in...
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