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Trillion dollar bazooka and $2,200 gold

It's the beginning of a new year, and there's no shortage of big headlines... Europe is on the financial brink, Iran is a powder keg, and precious metals like gold have retreated. It's also a time when there is no shortage of financial forecasts. ...

With Gold Price Soaring, Portofino Resources Is Exploring the Red Lake Mining District

Last September Portofino Resources Inc. (POR:TSX.V; POT:FSE) announced a binding agreement for the right to acquire a 100% interest in mining claims in the famous Red Lake mining district of Ontario. Portofino joins both majors and juniors including Australia-listed Evo...

Cypress Development Makes Lithium Flow Sheet Enhancements

On Aug. 29, Cypress Development Corp. (CYP:TSX.V; CYDVF:OTCQB; C1Z1:FSE) announced the successful completion of the slurry rheology and filtration studies that are an integral part of the prefeasibility study (PFS) for its Clayton Valley clay-hosted lithium project, l...

Standard Lithium Demo Plant Operating Soon, First Production in 2022

This month, Standard Lithium Ltd. (SLL:TSX.V; STLHF:OTCQX) is targeted to switch on a relatively large-scale, proof-of-concept lithium extraction Demonstration Plant in southern Arkansas. If all goes reasonably as planned, it should take just a few months to prove the...

Oil & Gas Explorer Proves Up Exciting Measured Oil and Gas Production from Orogrande Basin Project

Discovering a new oil field is a major accomplishment. But effectively producing hydrocarbons from that field is seen as a truly exceptional, massive success. As you can probably imagine, it's a rare occurrence. So, when a small oil and gas exploration company reaches...

With Contact Tracing Key to Reopening the Economy, New Cloud Platform Attracting High-Profile Users

As contact tracing moves to center stage as a key to reopening the economy, HealthSpace releases a scalable cloud-based system that is rapidly being adopted, including by the state of Hawaii. HealthSpace Data Systems Ltd. (HS:CSE; HSDLF:OTCMKTS) , a Software...

An Emerging Medical Market Play with Great Opportunity

(Image via Bioasis Technologies Inc.) Biopharmaceutical Company Bioasis Technologies Inc. ( TSX-V: BTI , OTCQB: BIOAF , Forum ) is developing its proprietary xB 3TM platform technology to deliver therapeutics across the blood brain barrier (BBB) and int...

Silver will perform like gold on steroids

This past March, I asked a highly successful investment advisor what he thought about gold. Since he deals almost exclusively with very high net-worth individuals, his point of view was especially intriguing. He confided to me that many of his clients had been asking for g...

Drone Firm Envisions Disruptive and Profitable 'Railway in the Sky'

I started writing about Drone Delivery Canada Corp. (FLT:TSX.V; TAKOF:OTCQB) two years ago. For nearly six years, the company has been 100% focused on safety, transparency and working collaboratively with Canadian and international regulators,...

Gold Explorer Focuses on Acquisitions in Productive Canadian Districts

Few investments are working these days. Oil, blue-chip stocks, cotton, lumber major mining companies. . .all have been decimated in the past six weeks. Teck Resources Ltd. (TCK:TSX; TCK:NYSE) is down 73% from its 52-week high. Copper is 27% lower than it was a year ago. Y...
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