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Is Skyharbour Resources Poised to Move Higher?

Skyharbour Resources Ltd. (SYH:TSX.V; SYHBF:OTCQB) is in a strong position to benefit from a rebound happening right now (finally!) in uranium prices. The management team, board and technical advisors are world class, especially for a company with a market cap of CA...

MXR seeking sedimentary copper in Colombia

West of Glen Canyon, Utah, a 90-million-year-old secret is hidden beneath the dry, desolate landscape. What is now one of the largest sand-dune deserts in the world, was once the middle of a vast inland ocean. Plying the waters of the Western Inland Seaway , a human transpo...

When the levee breaks

In George Steinbeck’s epic novel ‘The Grapes of Wrath’, a poor family of tenant farmers and thousands of other “Oakies” hitch up their wagons to make the trek to California in search of work and a better life. A savage dr...

Standard Lithium in Final Stages of De-risking New Recovery Method; ...

Standard Lithium in Final Stages of De-risking New Recovery Method; Giant JV Partner Lanxess Will Fully Fund Capex When Successful The Critical Investor delves into this lithium firm's recovery method for its Arkansas project and why it may succeed when other companie...