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Lufthansa, Silver Viper, TUI - does diversification and patience pay off?

After 6 months of Covid-19 restrictions the world we knew no longer exists. We have had to accept many sacrifices, but did we also feel a loss every time? No more vacation trips abroad and business had to be concluded online without personal contact. Suddenly things started to...

Osisko Gold Royalties Acquires Remaining Barkerville Shares

In a report, iA Securities explains the deal and makes a recommendation to the shareholders of the seller. In a Sept. 23 research note, iA Securities analyst George Topping reported that Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. (BGM:TSX.V) agreed to sell to Osisko Gold Royaltie...

June 30th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: Back to the future

Back to the future When reading fiction of time travel into the past or watching movies about time machines one theme dominates. The people who travel back in time worry immensely about how their behavior alters history. They fear about all the consequences of what they d...

Virus Impact Unknown for Many Companies

Loews Corp. (L:NYSE, 33.70) reported a profit in the last quarter, driven by earnings at CNA Insurance and Boardwalk Pipelines, as well as investment income at the parent level. But investment income will likely disappear for the next quarter or so, while Diamond Offshor...

Buzz on the Bullboards: The Top Last-Minute Movers of 2021

Expecting the markets to be relaxed heading into the holidays? Hardly. Many investors and brokers know that this is the time to shine. With every twist and turn the global economy has been throwing our way, the right move is staying active. This past week, it seems ma...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Biggest Last-Minute Moves of 2020

(Image via Kontrol Energy Corp.) Many investors may have anticipated a relaxed market heading into the holidays to cap off a tumultuous 2020 for the record books, yet 2020 continues to surprise us as we see engagement and announcements stay steady across the board ...

Airbus, BASF, Osino Resources - where is the highest return?

Normally, investors are happy about rising share prices, because the stock market is the expression of the future and expected growth in pricing. However, what has been observed since the outbreak of the Corona Pandemic and the measures that have accompanied it has little to d...

Standard Lithium Successfully Commissioned Demonstration Plant Despite COVID-19

The Critical Investor takes a look at the current dynamics of the lithium market, and speaks with the Standard Lithium's CEO about the firm's latest news. LiSTR demonstration plant at Lanxess project site After Standard Lithium Ltd. (SLL:TSX.V; ST...

Buzz on the Bullboards: When Stocks Go Up … Must They Come Down?

(Challenger 350 promotional image via Bombardier Inc.) Many markets may have seen a higher start to the year so far, but there is far from a universal sentiment across the sectors, with some companies having a rougher start to 2021 than others. If a stock goes u...

Buzz on the Bullboards: The Summer’s Most Talked About Sectors

The summer trading season is well underway as we celebrate a holiday here in Canada and this weekend in the US. Even on days that the markets were closed, the Bullboards on Stockhouse are wide open and busy with lively discussions on some of the biggest (and smallest) sto...
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