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Introducing: The Device to Replace Antiquated Paper-Based Systems

(Image via Visionstate Corp. Click to enlarge.) The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects “things” that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data ...

B2Gold, Newmont, Osino Resources - maximizing profits for shareholders

In uncertain times, cautious investors seek a safe haven for their money. In addition to real estate, gold in particular is a popular currency for people who have the need to be able to move their assets. But it does not have to be bars and coins. As an alternative to physical...

High Premiums in Physical Gold Market: Scam or Supply Crisis?

During the coronavirus crisis many people couldn’t find physical gold, as there was a bullion shortage at dealerships. And these lucky individuals who managed to obtain bullion had to pay high premiums. We invite you to read our today’s articl...

Is There a Real Shortage of Physical Gold and Silver?

Every time the price of gold and silver go down in a big way, the manipulation/conspiracy crowd come creeping out of their rat holes to start preaching about naked short selling and a disconnect between physical metals and paper markets. As you will see, both issues tend ...

Mickey Fulp: 'Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste'

Maurice: Today we will find out if we are at risk of losing our liberty to the coronavirus, along with buying opportunities for your investment portfolio. Joining us for a conversation is Mickey Fulp, the world-renowned Mercenary Geologist . Absolute delight to speak ...

Brien Lundin: To Insure Yourself Against Financial Upheaval, Buy Gold and Silver Now

Maurice Jackson: Today we will discuss the 2020 financial crisis and investment opportunities for your portfolio. Joining us for a conversation is Brien Lundin, the president of Jefferson Financial. Mr. Lundin, investors are in a state of confusion and they're looking ...

Titans in Mining: An Interview with Rick Rule, Part 2

After the first part of my interview with Rick Rule generated quite a bit of attention, I'm pleased to continue with the interview in this second, and equally extensive, part, in a series of no less than four parts. As Rick is one of the best speakers in the mining sect...

Miner Sees Potential in Historical Canadian Site

In an interview with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable, executives from this prospect generator exploring in Ontario outline their work on a new project. Maurice Jackson: Welcome to Proven and Probable , where we provide mining insights in bullion sale...

Junior Miner Awaits Assay on Core Sample from Alaskan Prospect

Maurice Jackson: Today we will find out the latest developments from Millrock Resources Inc. (MRO:TSX.V; MLRKF:OTCQB) regarding drilling and assay results on the 64 North Gold Project, located in the prolific Tintina gold province in Alaska. Joining us for a conversati...

Junior Explorer Begins Field Work on Copper-Gold Prospect in Yukon Territory

Maurice Jackson: Welcome to Proven and Probable. Today, we're going to highlight an early-stage exploration company focused on copper, gold and silver located in the Yukon, in Canada's prolific Minto Copper District, Granite Creek Copper Ltd. (GCX:TSX.V) . Our featured ...
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