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Gold in Indian Rupees, the USD and the Many Non-USD Currencies

We started yesterday’s analysis with the investigation of the Euro Index and gold price in this European currency. Today, we’ll take a moment to analyze the gold market from the Indian point of view. Gold has a special place in the Indian histor...

Kardashian-Style News Bomb: Already Big Ashram Gets Bigger And Bigger

Bigger is Better (at least in this respect) What a pleasant surprise! The Ashram Rare Earth and Fluorspar Deposit continues to grow. As announced today by Commerce Resources Corp. , recent core assays for vertical drilling at Ashram has disc...

Setting Gold Market Expectations for 2020 Right

Hooray, the twenties are here! But what will the 2020 bring for the gold market? Shall we see the beginning of the Belle Époque for the yellow metal? Gold at the End of 2019 The last year was a very good one for the gold bulls , as one can clearly see in the chart...

Meet the plant-based food company that’s set for success

Welcome to the Market Herald Video Q&A Podcast. I’m Brieanna McCutcheon. Most people, if not everyone, know someone vegan, vegetarian, or flexitarian. This is good news for companies like Naturally Splendid, which aim to provide tasty and delicious...

Millennials and Baby Boomers – What their Stock Portfolio Reveals

Although millennials are now of age, their influence on the stock market is still in its infancy. The question is, can they produce better results than the older generation, known as baby boomers, who are soon to retire? To get the answer to this question, two stock portf...

Silver’s Valuable Insights Into the Upcoming PMs Rally

The analysis of the precious metals market isn’t just gold analysis – there are times when silver rises to the forefront of everyone’s attention. And we fully expect such a moment of the white metal stealing the spotlight to arrive shortly. Wh...

S&P 500 Grind Higher Goes On, Regardless of Daily Setbacks

The runup to yesterday’s US open and the regular session’s trading confirmed my call that stocks would break above the key resistances. And they did effortlessly overcome the upper border of March’s gap and the 61.8% Fibonacci re...

Drilling and Developing The World’s Highest-Grade Lithium District

For metals & mining investors The New Green Revolution offers an abundance of opportunity in investing in companies that are at the forefront of exploring and developing minerals that will drive this revolution for generations to come. This is especially true when it comes ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Summer market madness

It is the first full day of summer and traders south of the border returned to the markets after a long weekend selling off shares on their first day back. Baytex Energy Stock made news after closing its acquisition of Ranger Oil Corp. for C$2.9 billion. T...

Buzz on the Bullboards: A diagnosis on the health of the economy

It has been a bit of a stalemate for North American markets this week as indices nudged one way or another. Earnings report have been rolling in, with some major U.S. banks reporting a slowdown in profits, others saw better-than-expected earnings. Traders are tracking an ...
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