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Las Vegas Sands (LVS): Bearish bets abound as legal woes mount

Early last week, a district court judge dismissed pleas from Las Vegas Sands Corp. ( NYSE: LVS , Stock Forum ) to reject an employment case filed by a former manager, who claims he was fired for refusing to comply with what he says were illegal demands from Chief Executiv...

Near-Term Risk in Gold is Increasing

Last week was another strong one for the precious metals sector. Gold gained a whopping $51/oz or 3.5%. The gold stocks (GDX, GDXJ) advanced by roughly 6%. Silver gained 4%. Momentum in the sector began to build once Gold surpassed resistance at $1420-$1425/oz. We had ...

Hedge fund disasters are hurting the gold price

The price of gold has been kept down by hedge fund redemptions. These redemptions will end in a week and after that a nasty hand that has been holding the price of gold down will be lifted. As we begin this New Year news is starting to trickle out demonstrating that hedge fu...

Jackpot Digital (TSXV:JJ): Meet the company revolutionizing casino gaming

What does the future of casino gaming look like? Well, just imagine, for a moment, being on a cruise, playing the tables at the casino, and you hit a patch of rough waters. Well, Jackpot Digital, it seems, has thought of this. They signed a deal in 2017 with Carni...

Nov 21st 2019, Silver Chartbook: Sentiment silence and lies

Sentiment, silence and lies We spoke in our last silver chartbook about how to take a contrarian position. As well we explained how to bet against consensus. Sentiment is one aspect supporting a contrarian trader. This is obviously necessary to achieve a “buy low, sell ...

Warren Buffett Bets Big on Airlines

Ever on the hunt for a great bargain, billionaire investor Warren Buffett boosted his company’s stake in Delta Air Lines once again. Berkshire Hathaway acquired some 976,000 Delta shares in February for roughly $45.3 million, according to a filing last Mon...

Gold Falls Below $1,300 After Powell’s Testimony: What To Expect From The ECB Meeting?

Powell’s testimony before the Congress is behind us. The ECB meeting is ahead of us. Will Draghi support the gold prices after recent declines? Gold Falls Below $1,300 Gold bulls might be disappointed. The upward trend apparently ended. As one can see...

Where Next For Gold After Touching the $1,300 Mark?

On Monday, the price of gold has briefly jumped above $1,300. For the next two days, the yellow metal has been holding near that important psychological level, although it failed to rally subsequently. Let’s take a look at the trigger(s) of the upward move. T...

Here’s How You Can Make 170% Profits in Less than 45 Days

Would you like to know how Katusa Subscribers just returned a +170% profit… in less than 45 days? If you got in on this pick, you could’ve turned $1,000 to $2,700… $2,500 to $6,750… and $5,000 to $13,500. Some folks would need an entire year – or mor...

Gold and silver: Breakout time, not bubble time

The Chinese ideograph for crisis is represented by the sign for danger joined together with the symbol for opportunity. Admittedly, for over a year and a half precious metals investors have been going through a time for testing of our essential position in wealth in...
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