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Commerzbank, Desert Gold, Deutsche Bank - Money supply increases significantly

There are various financial indicators in an economy that allow assessments of the current state. An important indication is, for example, the amount of money supply and its change. However, the amount of money is still divided into three classes according to its availability....

Desert Gold Ventures, Glencore, Kinross - now is the right time!

Desert Gold Ventures, Glencore, Kinross - now is the right time! Last week, the stock markets in Europe and North America continued their recovery from the lows of March 2020. However, as the week drew to a close, declines were recorded again, due to the tone of the ...

Protect Your Wealth Against the Law of Unintended Consequences

The United States is the strongest, most prosperous country on the planet. This has been made possible only by free markets and the rule of law. But even the U.S. is not immune to the unintended consequences of well-intentioned policies. I believe gold is a rational inv...

Agnico Eagle, Osino Resources, Scottie Resources - Preparing for the end of the euro

The Corona Pandemic has changed a lot and brought things to light that were previously unimaginable. In connection with the curfews, most people only spent money on the most necessary purchases. As a result of this restriction, large parts of the economy came to a standstill. ...

Airbus, BASF, Osino Resources - where is the highest return?

Normally, investors are happy about rising share prices, because the stock market is the expression of the future and expected growth in pricing. However, what has been observed since the outbreak of the Corona Pandemic and the measures that have accompanied it has little to d...

US Increases Trade Tariffs Against China - Markets Roil

Today, the US increased tariffs on $200B of Chinese goods as the US/China trade deal breaks down. China has vowed to retaliate for the move. The past week has seen the global markets shocked by two items: Iran sanctions and US/China trade breakdown. The markets had been expect...

Lufthansa, Osino Resources, Wirecard - exciting opportunities for investors

Social life has changed by 180 degrees since February 2020 with the spread of the Corona Virus Covid-19. Business people spend more time in video conferences than on planes, trains or cars. The time spent in the office is often minimized and work is done from home instead. Fam...

Stocks facing revaluation: Nel, Bayer, Power Nickel with potential

Relief for Bayer. In the U.S., the company has won a victory in the dispute over compensation for illnesses caused by the chemical PCB. Is it groundbreaking and the start of a revaluation of the stock? A revaluation already seems to be underway at Power Nickel. Follo...

The Consequences of Yesterday’s Bullish S&P 500 Session

The bulls opened on a strong note on Monday, and relentlessly headed higher since. As such a strong showing has changed the stock landscape, let’s examine the current balance of forces and the clues for upcoming moves. We’ll start today&Clo...

3 Things That Don’t Affect Price of Gold

It’s important to understand Gold’s fundamentals as it will help us confirm a new bull market. To this point, Gold’s rallies have failed to make higher highs and higher lows because, although there has been improvement in fun...
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