Year to date, Apple Inc. shares are down more than 10 per cent In April, Apple lost its top spot on the global smartphone list, replaced by Samsung “There are still current estimates suggesting that Apple can return 50 per cent this year&CloseCurlyDouble...
Coreena Robertson
April 25, 2024
While the markets were rocked at the end of January by the Wuhan coronavirus, the beginning of February has seen a return to the non-stop climb that began in last fall. Once we break things down by sector, however, the picture becomes murkier. The cannabis sector continues...
Omri Wallach
February 5, 2020
What does the future of casino gaming look like? Well, just imagine, for a moment, being on a cruise, playing the tables at the casino, and you hit a patch of rough waters. Well, Jackpot Digital, it seems, has thought of this. They signed a deal in 2017 with Carni...
Brieanna McCutcheon
November 14, 2022
Clive Maund sees some rough waters with gold and discusses how to play it. Note: This article was published on on March 27. I have not been happy about the pattern that has been forming in gold since it plunged rather rudely and sharply around the end ...
Streetwise Reports
March 29, 2019
Last week was a big week for oil, and the Stockhouse Bullboards took notice. First came a wave of fiscal quarter results being released, which sent shares of major companies every which way. But the bigger story was towards the end of the week, as the Canadian energy sector wa...
Omri Wallach
November 6, 2019
(Click image to play video) The so-called Cannabis 2.0 rollout in Canada – the introduction of a wide assortment of cannabis derivative products such as cannabis- infused products (edibles and drinkables), vape pens, cannabis concentrates, and more – was met with...
Dave Jackson
October 14, 2020
(CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO) As data forgery and theft continues to plague businesses and individuals alike, real word, real time solutions are needed to battle the bad actors infiltrating private corporate and personal data. Enter SoLVBL Solutions Inc. ( C...
Dave Jackson
June 10, 2021
(CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO) As data forgery and theft continues to plague businesses and individuals alike, real word, real time solutions are needed to battle the bad actors infiltrating private corporate and personal data. Enter SoLVBL Solutions Inc. ( C...
Dave Jackson
June 17, 2021
The Cobalt price continues to languish below US$20/lb. This is an unexpected development given that last year the price was at or > $40/lb. for much of March, April & May. In speaking with experts and reading industry analysis, the consensus is that the Cobalt price could sett...
Peter Epstein
May 8, 2019
Base metals markets have had a rough ride of late, getting tossed around by negative headlines surrounding the trade negotiations between China and the US. For awhile it looked like the two superpowers were about to ink a deal that would call a truce to the trade war that ...
Richard (Rick) Mills
May 21, 2019