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Brien Lundin: To Insure Yourself Against Financial Upheaval, Buy Gold and Silver Now

Maurice Jackson: Today we will discuss the 2020 financial crisis and investment opportunities for your portfolio. Joining us for a conversation is Brien Lundin, the president of Jefferson Financial. Mr. Lundin, investors are in a state of confusion and they're looking ...

Junior Miner Explores New Copper-Silver System in Peru

Maurice Jackson: Today we will introduce an early-stage exploration company focused on identifying district-scale high-grade copper and silver systems in Peru. Joining us for our conversation is Michael Hudson, the CEO of Hannan Metals Ltd. (HAN:TSX.V; HANNF:OTCPK) . ...

Blue Sky Uranium Looking to Significantly Increase Resource of Flagship Ivana ...

Blue Sky Uranium Looking to Significantly Increase Resource of Flagship Ivana Uranium-Vanadium Project The Critical Investor takes a look at the fundamentals for uranium and profiles a company with a uranium-vanadium property in Argentina. 1. Introduction Afte...

Nevada Copper | Pumpkin Hollow Is Now In Production ! ! !

In this exclusive interview, David Swisher the VP of Operations for Nevada Copper (TSX: NCU | OTC: NEVDF) sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to announce the company’s watershed moment of commencing producti...

Trillion Energy (CSE:TCF) announces substantial 2022 year-end reserves report

Trillion Energy (TCF) has shared its third-party December 31, 2022 year-end reserves report Net present value of proved and probable (P2) natural gas reserves (NPV10%) increased to US$432 million net to Trillion, up from US$82 million (2021), a 426-per-cent ...

Millrock Resources | Goodpaster District, Geophysical Results, Adjacent 10 Million Oz. Project

Gregory Beische r the CEO of Millrock Resources , along with Chris Van Treek the Senior Project Geologist on the Goodpaster Project, sit down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to provide shareholders with some very important geophysical re...

Project Generator Enters Into A $20 Million Exploration Agreement

Millrock Resources (TSX.V: MRO | OTCQB: MLRKF ) Gregory Beischer the CEO of Millrock Resources sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to provide shareholders with some fantastic news regarding a new $20 Million explora...

All About Private Placements Volume 2

Tekoa Da Silva of Sprott USA , sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable in this exclusive 4 Part Series entitled: All About Private Placements . This is one, if not, the most comprehensive beginners guide to understanding the value...

Are We In For A New High in Gold?

In this exclusive interview Byron King of the Agora Finanical and newletter writer of “Whiskey and Gunpowder’ along with Dr. John-Mark Stuade of Riverside Resources , sit down with Maurice Jackson of Pro...

Q4 Earnings Setup The Rally To The Peak

Our research team believes the current Q4-2019 earnings season and expectations are prompting a “Rally To A Peak”. We've been warning our followers and clients that we believe the US Stock Market has rallied to levels that constitute a “near peak enthusia...
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