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Hidden dangers of rising commodity prices

"If they're just processors, forget them... Shoot them, in fact." Jeremy Grantham is a legend on Wall Street. He called the top of the Japanese economy in 1989, the top of the tech bubble in 2000, and the bottom of the stock market in 2009. When he talks, investors liste...

A Potential CBD Processor with 'Blue-Sky Prospects'

Cannabis and hemp related companies in North America have been beaten up pretty bad over the past several months, but the good companies should rebound. To the extent that this summer's carnage is due to the CannTrust fiasco, I think that a buying opportunity in select ...

Debt-free cannabis company set for next stage of growth

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . Nextleaf Solutions (CSE:OILS) , is a debt-free cannabis processor known for its multi patented, scalable extraction technology. The company offers a diverse portfo...

Ballard Power, NVIDIA, SolGold - copper, processors and fuel cells for the portfolio

The mobility of the future will be diverse. In addition to internal combustion engines, vehicles with electric motors will also define future everyday life. This politically motivated development will be supported by subsidies and premiums in various areas. Investors who would...

Silver Bullet Creates Credibility

Finding credibility It is very difficult for a new issuer to find goodwill in the capital markets. Historically, and we all have a story to add to this, not every company has told the truth or, in some cases, even known what the truth was, leading to jaded hearts, apathet...

A Unique Play in the Hungry US Hemp Market

(Image via Cascadia Extracts.) Utilizing high capacity CO 2 extraction equipment to tap into the extremely underserviced hemp market, Cascadia Extracts ( P. CASCADIA , Forum ) uses unique technology to take advantage of the significant benefits associated w...

How This Food Investment Company is Making the Plant-based Sector Accessible

Interest in plant-based products is hotter now more than ever, and companies in this sector are busy ramping up their efforts to meet the demand from consumers as the switch to more sustainable lifestyles continues to grow. Eat Well Investment Group Inc. ( CSE:EWG , ...

Australia May Be the Saving Grace for the Rare Earth Metals Market

When Colorado-based Molycorp Inc. filed for bankruptcy in 2015, the U.S. lost its sole remaining miner and producer of rare earth elements (REEs)—those inconspicuous metals with unpronounceable names like praseodymium, yttrium and gadolinium. The company&CloseCurlyQuo...

Buzz on the Bullboards – Battery Day; A Brave New World for Mining?

Investors were a-buzz over Tesla’s ( NASDAQ: TSLA ) “Battery Day” events this week and the tech company’s latest offerings. While its so-called new type of battery cell and vehicle models left audiences feeling rathe...

Tired of Big Box Cannabis? Investors Should Consider the Craft Sector

The craft cannabis industry evolved in 2021 to become a major disruptor to big-box cannabis. Yet, micro-cultivators still face hurdles to get their product to market as demand from younger consumers increases. Solutions are needed. One company at the forefront of this chang...
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