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Introducing: The Device to Replace Antiquated Paper-Based Systems

(Image via Visionstate Corp. Click to enlarge.) The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects “things” that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data ...

$14K invested in gold explorer Great Bear 3 turned into $1M, put Straightup Resources on your Watchl

Astute investors have started to pour money into precious metal related investments. We urge you to putStraightup Resources Inc. (CSE: ST)on your watch list for extraordinary share price gain potential; excitement runs high directly adjacent Straightup Resources' RLX project...

It’s Time to Start Talking about the Elephant in the Room

By Jonathan Goodman We at Dundee Goodman Merchant Partners have spent most of our working lives in the resource industry. Collectively we are money managers, geologists, engineers, mining operators, and natural resource/mining bankers. Moreover, all of us are person...

Why Gold Prices Are About To Skyrocket Even Higher

The gold bears have finally caved under the deafening barrage of fiscal and geopolitical catalysts, from Fed hints to intensely brewing conflict with Iran. But there is one key trend that stands to push gold up beyond $1,700--regardless of the day's news. Of course, it's d...

The 10 Highest Paying Jobs In Oil & Gas

Make no mistake: Oil and gas companies may be doing some serious cost-cutting and slimming-and-trimming to stay competitive after the shale boom binge, but when it comes to employment, it's still one of the best industries to hit up for a job. Jobs are booming, just as m...

Wanda Solution: The IoT and AI Evolution of Facility Management

(Image via Visionstate Corp.) There are plenty of unique opportunities for investors out there, but few are so unique that their platform has essentially no direct competition in the marketplace …. Headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Visionstate Cor...

Visionstate set to leverage success in the U.S. market

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . Visionstate Corp (TSXV:VIS) , a company whose vision is to be the leading global provider of IoT solutions for facility management. Their flagship software WANDA i...

Strategic Metals: Building long-term value in a cash-burning sector

Every junior resource speculator, whether consciously or not, balances risk and reward. The potential for lucrative gains lures investors into this small and notoriously volatile corner of the investment world – the promise of 10-baggers and more. But risk is the admission...

NexTech AR Solutions - Q and A - Inferno AR

The Coronavirus pandemic has been brutal to companies in pretty much every sector, and Canada’s economy has been hit harder than most during the pandemic. But with great crisis comes great opportunity, and a revolution in the way we conduct business presen...

The Importance of a Dollar SWAP Line

“Hoping for the best, prepared for the worst, and unsurprised by anything in between.” Maya Angelou, from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings An engineer is trained through university and in the workforce to apply failure modes and...
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