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Beyond Meat, Burcon NutraScience, Nestle - scalable growth with plant proteins

Humanity is always striving for improvement. This has not only been the case since the climate debate, but innovations in all areas of everyday life are constantly changing our lives. The changes will never again be as slow as they are at this moment. Research and development ...

Burcon, Canopy, dynaCERT - how cannabis, proteins and hydrogen improve the world

Innovations continuously change our lives. Entrepreneurs around the globe are trying to make things happen, developing products and technologies that are designed to improve everyday life. Business areas that are scalable are particularly successful. Once a product is ready to...

What is DehydraTECH and how is it revolutionizing solutions in cannabis and alcohol-free beverages?

Hill ( TSXV:HILL ) is a progressive innovation company that utilizes new technologies to provide innovative cannabis solutions and non-alcoholic beverage products globally. It is pioneering the space where craft consumer products meet bioscience by leveraging its deep CP...

Revenues surge 5x with the continued deployment and expansion of DehydraTECH in US markets

See: Hill Incorporated Releases FY2023 Q3 Financial Results . Hill ( TSXV:HILL ) is a progressive innovation company that utilizes new technologies to provide innovative cannabis solutions and non-alcoholic beverage products globally. It is pioneering the spa...

Speculative stock picks for a scary market environment

We believe this is a meltdown, not a pullback and consolidation for another upward move. On Thursday, January 21, at 1:08 pm we issued the following market alert to our subscribers: “We believe this is the start of a large correction…..we sold all positions –DANGER.&CloseC...

Burcon Nutrascience, Enthusiast Gaming, EXMceuticals - Investing in the future

Innovative technologies and social trends often determine the positive performance of an investment portfolio. The biggest challenge, however, is to recognize the development of a new need in society at the right time and to benefit from it with the right companies. But unders...

Alkaline, Flavored and CBD Infused Bottled Water Maker Posts Record Growth in Q4/20

The Alkaline Water Co. shares traded 20% higher after the company reported that it posted a 51% growth in year-over-year revenue in Q4/20. Alkaline Water Company Inc. (WTER:NASDAQ; WTER:CSE) , which makes premium bottled alkaline water, flavored-infused waters, and...

Burcon, HelloFresh, Memphasys, TUI - winners of the Corona crisis

The past three months have changed the world. Since the outbreak of the Corona Pandemic, the travel business has come to a standstill and the supply of various food products and everyday items has been characterized by bottlenecks. The meat industry is struggling with infectio...

How This Food Investment Company is Making the Plant-based Sector Accessible

Interest in plant-based products is hotter now more than ever, and companies in this sector are busy ramping up their efforts to meet the demand from consumers as the switch to more sustainable lifestyles continues to grow. Eat Well Investment Group Inc. ( CSE:EWG , ...

Building a Better Covid-19 Antibody Test

ProMIS is harnessing its unique technology platform to develop a more error-free antibody test. Testing has been an Achilles heel of the coronavirus pandemic, but ProMIS Neurosciences Inc. (PMN:TSX; ARFXF:OTCQB) has partnered with Dr. Hans Frykman and the ...
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