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Numinus Wellness: The mental health business is estimated to grow to $530 billion by 2030

Numinus Wellness is in the business of psychedelic medicine but, more importantly, the mental health business. The mental health business is a sector that will be worth an estimated $530 billion dollars by the year 2030. Numinus has already seen more than a 618% ...

Real Estate Crash The Next Shoe To Drop – Part II

As we continue to delve into the looming Real Estate crisis that will likely hit the US and globe over the next 12 to 24+ months, we want to focus on the human psychological process of dealing with a crisis event and how that relates to economic engagement. In the first part...

Triple Threat Canbud Launches New Products Targeting the Hottest Health & Wellness Trends

After its public listing last October, shares in Canbud Distribution Corporation (CSE: CBDX | FSE: CD0) appear poised to move higher as it executes on its three-pronged business model. Canbud is a science and technology company that concentrates its attention on the Hea...

The Company That’s Delivering Safe, Evidence-Based Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapies

(Click image to play podcast) Stockhouse investors who are dialed into the not-only nascent but now, pardon the pun, mushrooming psychedelics sector are likely familiar with a mental health and wellness company “centred on developing and supporting the safe, ev...

June 9th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: If it breaks we get paid

If it breaks we get paid Or not. One aspect rarely talked about is the psychological aspect on why there are so few winning traders. You might have heard about the trader who reached his goal to make a million dollars and then lost most of it. Once the strongly desired goa...

The company revolutionizing access to care and natural remedies

The Market Online recently spoke with Liz Viccars, CEO of AJA Health and Wellness Inc. (TSXV:AJA) a company transforming healthcare with its total health access service offering telemedicine, diagnostics and specialized care via proprietary tech. Additionally, AJA Heal...

Lower inflation primes Canada's real estate market for a shift

June’s inflation rate reduced to 2.7 percent from 2.9 percent in May, giving the BOC a reason to lower the current policy interest rate. On June 5 the Bank of Canada lowered the interest rate 25 basis points to 4.75 per cent, and experts are betting on ano...

Clinical research and tools to address mental health

Our next company is Numinus Wellness Inc. (TSX:NUMI) . Numinus is using the power of psychedelic medicine to make great strides in addressing serious mental health issues. It recently announced its fiscal year 2024 results, which showed strong growth in its busines...

Concerned About The Real Estate Market? Me Too – Part III

Our continuing research into the state of the Real Estate market suggests the Covid-19 virus event will likely put extreme pressure on many sectors within the US and global markets. This, Part III of a multi-part research article, will highlight many of the key economic data...

Real Estate Crash The Next Shoe To Drop – Part III

Our continued research into the state and status of the Real Estate market continues to point to a process that is starting to unfold in the US which may put price and activity levels at risk. Within the past two segments of this research article, we’ve highl...
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