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Adyen, Ryanair, dynaCERT: Return on investment thanks to revolutions

Turn an industry upside down and make a fortune? Since Elon Musk, the term "disruption" has become a familiar term among investors. How does one succeed in turning an industry upside down, and how do yesterday's revolutionaries look? Answers to these questions can be in the ex...

A Real Blockchain Developer goes live, eXeBlock Technology (CSE:XBLK)

Last night I attended the Grit Capital's Banking on Blockchain event in Vancouver, along with seemingly every person I've ever met in this city's financial scene. The place was packed - standing room only in a ballroom that usually seats 300+. HIVE Blockchain (HIVE.V) ...

A Sound Investment Strategy into Great Vancouver's Booming Real Estate and Student Housing Market

CIBT Education Group Inc. (MBA) ( TSX.MBA , OTCQX: MBAIF , Forum ) is one of the largest education and student housing investment companies in Canada focused on the domestic and the global education market since 1994. The company owns Global Education City Holdings, whi...

Buzz on the Bullboards: I went to market

From inflation to interest rates, navigating the waters of a sea of global economic uncertainty and confusion, last week was full of tough questions for investors on the Bullboards.We saw some of...

I do not trust the markets currently but Cole Evans is a different story.

These are perilous times with both a fast spreading virus and socioeconomic challenges. This was the theme of my talk at the newsletter writers presentation at PDAC and during my media interviews. Markets have a propensity to overshoot and over correct. Unfortunately I was r...

Industrial Hemp: The Huge Investment Opportunity That May Be New To You

(CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO) In many ways, hemp is one of the most versatile, useful, and easy-to-grow crops on planet earth. And, in ways and means far beyond just CBD extraction. Global Hemp Group Inc. (GHG) ( CSE.GHG , OTCQB: GBHPF , Forum ) is a hemp-...

Four Key Questions To This Crisis Everyone is Asking

Recently, I was asked to participate in a live radio talk with Arnold Gay and Yasmin Wonkers at Money 89.3 Asia First and was sent the following questions to prepare for the show. I thought this would be a great way to share my thoughts and expectations related to the Covi...

April 7th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: How to stay ahead

How to stay ahead The simple answer is: Ask quality questions. If you followed our free telegram channel you were not out of toilet paper, did not lose money in the stock market and were less emotionally frazzled by news than the average citizen. Why? Because we shared ...

PROFIT! A NEW Stockhouse Vodcast Series. Eps. 2

Get to know capital market moguls, mavens and management teams in a more relaxed setting. Episodes open with fun, rapid-fire questions, setting the tone for a more informal one-on-one session. You won’t want to miss our weekly releases featuring thought ...

Cashing in the Exploding Esports and Esports Betting Markets

Get to know capital market moguls, mavens and management teams in a more relaxed setting. Episodes open with fun, rapid-fire questions, setting the tone for a more informal one-on-one session. You won’t want to miss our weekly releases featuring thought ...
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