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Advancing flagship Ishkõday Gold Project in Ontario

LAURION Mineral Exploration (TSXV:LME) . A Canadian junior mining company focused on the exploration and development of its flagship Ishkõday gold project. Located 220 km northeast of Thunder Bay, Ontario. The Market Online recently sat down with President and CEO, Cynth...

Building Latin America’s next energy platform

The following is a transcription of the above video and has been edited for clarity: Our next company is an exploration and production company focused on building Latin America’s next energy platform. LNG Energy Group (TSXV:LNGE) is rapidly expandi...

Data speeds are increasing to 1.6T – what does that mean for you?

By POET Technologies The internet is getting faster and what’s making it happen is the increase in data speeds from 400G to 800G and 1.6T – and eventually beyond. Modern life demands these increases because our world has an insatiable desire for ban...

Buzz on the Bullboards: One Step Closer to a Canadian-Made COVID Vaccine?

(Image via Theralase Technologies Inc.) Clinical-stage pharmaceutical company Theralase Technologies Inc. ( TSX-V: TLT , Forum ) has demonstrated proof-of-concept for its Canadian-made COVID-19 vaccine. In collaboration with the University of Manitoba (UM), t...

A Life Sciences Project Accelerator Kicks into High Gear

XPhyto Therapeutics Corp. ( CSE: XPHY ) (FSE: 4XT) (OTC: XPHYF) has been a hot story lately, especially in Germany, due to its recent commercialization of a super-fast PCR test kit for definitively diagnosing COVID-19 infections in point-of-care settings. The company rec...

Sustainable, Profitable Mineral Development for Today…and Tomorrow

(Click image to play video) Environmental sustainability while maintaining profitability and shareholder value are the hallmarks of any modern, forward-thinking company. This is especially the case in the critical minerals space. Avalon Advanced Materials Inc...

A Splendid Investment Opportunity…Naturally

(Click image to play video) We’re just about smackdab in the middle of New Year’s resolution time, and millions of North Americans are committing to a healthier lifestyle or just trying to shed a few pounds. Coquitlam, BC-based...

US Stock Market Enters Parabolic Price Move – Be Prepared, Part II

In the first part of this research article, we briefly discussed the recent price and global economic events related to the 2018 to 2020 US stock market volatility and the COVID-19 virus event. The premise of this research post was to highlight the current upside parab...

Adrian Day: Merger Lays a Firm Foundation for Future Growth

Evrim Resources Corp. (EVM:TSX.V, 0.35) is merging with fellow junior prospect generator Renaissance Gold Inc. (REN:TSX) , doubling the size of the company, to create Orogen Royalties, a self-defined "organic royalty generator." The merger brings together Evrim's near-t...

Unnatural Distortions and the Precious Metals

I was sitting in my den looking out over the swamp—er—lake tonight when it appeared as though something was flailing around near the shoreline. So I threw on my deck shoes and went for a stroll down to the water to see what all the commotion was about. Now, you must under...
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