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A Fresh Look at a New Military Tech Opportunity

(Click image to play video) It is a recognised fact that military spending – both globally and especially in the U.S. – is increasing and represents a highly lucrative market opportunity worth billions. Now, a well-positioned Canadian military and defense tech co...

A Groundswell of Investor Support is a Signal That NZP is on The Right Track

Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited (TSXV: “ NZP ” and NZX: “CRP”) provides shareholders and stakeholders with another of our regular updates. The last few months have been very good for CRP and its shareholders. A combination o...

A steady diet of plastic

People eating fish are advised to watch carefully for bones, but how about tiny pieces of plastic? For years it has been known that plastic breaks down into microscopic particles that are consumed by shellfish, fish and mammals higher up the food chain, presentin...

Rio Tinto Busy Drilling at Forum Energy Metals' Janice Lake Copper Project in C$30M JV

The Critical Investor details the exploration of a joint ventured copper deposit in Saskatchewan. Janice Lake copper project, Saskatchewan, Canada; Source: Metals Corp. 1. Introduction As a pure play uranium explorer since 2004, things...