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Buzz on the Bullboards: Debates among the top sectors

If you’re looking to see the stocks that investors have been keeping an eye on over the past week, you’ve come to the right place. The Bullboard community regularly acts as a microcosm of investor sentiment at large. Great results lead to a...

The Seed-to-Sale Cannabis Co. Offering Real Growth Value & Opportunity

Stockhouse investors are likely familiar with one of the most recognizable names in the Canadian retail cannabis space – Delta 9 Cannabis Inc . (DN) ( TSX.DN , OTCQB: DLTNF , Forum ). But the company is much more than just stores. Delta 9 is a fully vertically-integrat...

Wanda Solution: The IoT and AI Evolution of Facility Management

(Image via Visionstate Corp.) There are plenty of unique opportunities for investors out there, but few are so unique that their platform has essentially no direct competition in the marketplace …. Headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Visionstate Cor...

Your One-stop-shop for All Things Plant-based is This Company

(Click image to play video) It’s no secret that the alternative meat and plant-based sector has gone through tremendous growth over the last several years as people shift away from animal-based products. Similarly, companies are also cap...

AMS, Memphasys, Osram, ProSiebenSat.1 Media - valuable access to customers

Access to customers is of high importance for most companies. Building brands is also a matter of trust. Before a company or product is established as a brand, an average of seven contacts or encounters must have taken place. The situation is different with recommendations fro...

B2Gold, Newmont, Osino Resources - maximizing profits for shareholders

In uncertain times, cautious investors seek a safe haven for their money. In addition to real estate, gold in particular is a popular currency for people who have the need to be able to move their assets. But it does not have to be bars and coins. As an alternative to physical...

Living in a virus-controlled world

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to infect populations, though in some countries it is slowing, talk has shifted to re-opening economies, and to manufacturing a vaccine that drug companies hope will not only work, but can be distributed at large enough doses to provide ...

Titans in Mining: An Interview with Rick Rule, Part I

The Critical Investor sits down with Rick Rule, CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings, for a wide-ranging discussion of his more than four-decade-long involvement in the resource sector. Several months ago I thought of something different. Wouldn't it be nice to interview the...

The Cannabis Industry's Dirty Energy Secret

Your average marijuana plant is a rather unimposing, forest green weed that blends well with nature. The dirty truth, however, is that the business of growing cannabis is anything but green. In fact, the growing of pot is so power-intensive that its ecological footprint is qui...

Supercharge Your Gold Position With Precious Metal Royalty Companies

Gold closed down as much as 1.21 percent Friday on a blowout jobs report that seemed to alleviate investor fears of an impending economic slowdown. The U.S. added as many as 266,000 jobs in November, beating expectations of 180,000, while the unemployment rate ticked do...
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