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Expert advises to invest 'wherever value takes you' after rate cut

Allan Small, a senior investment advisor of the Allan Small Financial Group with iA Private Wealth, joins Coreena Robertson in the Expert Exchange to analyze the Bank of Canada’s recent decision to cut interest rates by 50 basis points, the fourth cut th...

Falcon-Gold Has Two Advanced Stage Projects Ready to Generate Cash Flow

It is unusual for a junior gold company to have as many properties as Falcon Gold Corp. ( TSX-V: FG ) , and rarer still for two of those projects to have reached such an advanced stage of development as to become cash-generating assets. With all that it has going on,...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Competition Heats Up in Top Sectors

(Image via HEXO Corp.) It can be hard to keep track of the news cycle, but you can bet the markets are going to be more volatile. That has been the case this autumn trading season so far, and October does not seem to be letting up anytime soon. The Stockhouse Bu...

Marvel Goes on a Staking Spree in Central Newfoundland Gold Belt Area Play

Area plays, where one company makes a discovery then dozens of other companies rush in to stake all around them, are at the very foundation of junior resource markets. Some noteworthy Canadian area plays are Hemlo in 1982, Eskay Creek in 1990, the Lac de Gras...

Marvel Discovery kicks off 2021 exploration program at Blackfly gold project in Ontario

Fresh off a company rebrand earlier in 2021 and a recent asset spin-off, Marvel Discovery Corp. ( TSX-V: MARV ) (Frankfurt: O4T1) (IMTFF: OTC PINKS) is now ready to move forward with this year’s exploration plans, beginning with one of the most promis...

Gratomic: Eco-conscious and On The Move

Graphite has been around for what it seems to be forever. I’m sure we all remember using a form of this naturally-occurring crystalline carbon as kids in our yellow No. 2 pencils. The popularity of this highly versatile mineral with other uses incl...

Positive Cash Flow Extractor Manufacturer Turns its Mind to Psychedelics

“It’s all about visibility.” That’s how Calgary, AB-based MedXtractor Corp. (MXT) ( CSE.MXT , Forum ) is changing both the future of cannabis extraction and the burgeoning mental health science of psychedelics. ...

Technical Analyst: Gold Bull Market Well Established in Many Currencies

Technical analyst Clive Maund discusses the price of gold in various currencies and what he believes is ahead for gold, the U.S. dollar and the stock markets. We will start this update by looking at gold's price measured against various important currencies. These ...

Silver Market Is at a Critical Juncture

Technical analyst Clive Maund charts his expectations for how silver prices will respond to movement in the stock market. Much of what is written in the parallel Gold Market update is equally applicable to silver and it will not be repeated here. Although silve...

NEL, Nikola, Tesla - is the world facing a new billion-dollar scandal?

The Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) is a renowned organization focusing on research, economic policy advice and analysis. It sees itself as the research institute for globalisation issues in Germany. The institute cooperates worldwide with universities, research ins...
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