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This Next-Gen Battery Element Can Store More Lithium than Graphite

(Image via NEO Battery Materials Ltd.) There have been major advancement s made in recent years to power, for longer periods of time, the growing number of portable electronics in our lives, as well as hybrid and full electric vehicles (EVs)…. However,...

May 25th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: Built not bought

Built not bought This isn’t just a catchy phrase. It is the only way to riches. It is statistically proven that most market speculators, that try to blindly follow a trading recommendation fail to produce consistent results. Why? The most difficult part in ...

How Much Lost Ground Can the S&P 500 Bulls Recover?

Stocks couldn’t build on Wednesday’s gains, and the bulls had to face selling pressure during yesterday’s regular session. While they’ve dealt with a good part of the intraday downswing, they couldn&CloseCurlyQuot...

The Detailed Anatomy of the S&P 500 Upswing

Today’s extensive article will evaluate the week that just passed, and examine the health of the S&P 500 advance. We’ll look both at various credit market metrics, and at the key S&P 500 sectors and ratios. Putting the pieces of the puzzle toget...

What A Brave S&P 500 Bulls’ Move!

Today’s article will dive deep into yesterday’s market action, including the aftermarket one. After another dreadful weekly unemployment claims report coming in at well over 5000K, the S&P 500 obliged lower, yet came back after two bouts of heav...

Is the Stock Selloff Over Now?

Some would call yesterday’s session Black Monday. Little wonder as the S&P 500 finished down more than 100 points from Friday’s closing bell. The overnight recovery in the futures gave up most of its gains, and stocks are again hanging close to ...

Is This What Falling Through the Floor Looks Like in Stocks?

While last week brought us higher stock prices, Thursday and Friday were bad days for the bulls. And little wonder, as the technical deterioration continues to play out. Looking at both the closing prices on Friday and today’s premarket action, how close to the...

Oil Price Action – Like a Coiled Spring Already?

Trading slightly above the $50 mark, crude oil hasn’t made a decisive move either way so far. Yesterday’s bullish session has brought us new clues. Let’s dive and examine the strength of the evolving oil move higher. We&Close...

Site visit: Building PGE-nickel-copper riches at the Stillwater West project, Montana

Initially published in Resource Opportunities. Subscribe now: use coupon code CEO to save US$100 on regular subscription prices of US$299 for 1 year or $449 for 2 years. Assays are pending for holes drilled th...

The Oil Reversal in Progress

Let's take a closer look at the chart below (chart courtesy of ) and assess the likely crude oil price path ahead. We wrote these words yesterday, and they ring true also today: (…) The short-term situation hasn’t changed much. Crude...
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