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Calculate the Trading Strategies' Profitability like a Pro

Investors venture into cryptocurrency trading to gain profits. They employ customized trading strategies, portfolio management strategies, and progressive investment decisions throughout their trade. Due to the progressive nature of trading, tracking one&CloseCurlyQuote...

The Phony Wealth Effect and Gold

Rudi Fronk and Jim Anthony, cofounders of Seabridge Gold, discuss what real wealth is and if financial assets should be considered real wealth. Our contention is that gold is real wealth. Gold is its own final settlement and no one else's liability. What...

TomaGold : A Stock Worth ‘Weighting’ For…

TomaGold Corporation (TSXV: LOT / OTC: TOGOF) is a mineral exploration company that has recently caught my eye. The company is situated quite nicely with some prime real estate. With a head office based in Montreal, it holds interest in five gold properties in Northern Quebec ...

ROCK ready to roll in Saskatchewan

Drills are turning at the Knife Lake Project in Saskatchewan, where Rockridge Resources (TSX-V:ROCK) hopes to meld a resource estimate onto the advanced exploration project rich in volcanogenic massive sulfides (VMS). Knife Lake is currently owned by Eagle Plains Resources...

Benefactor of Interest Rate Cuts

Last week for the first time since 2008, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates. But was this rate cut needed? The Fed has been trying to force feed consumers who contribute about 70% to GDP to keep borrowing and spending. The plan has been working thus far as the economic e...

The Many Opportunities the Fed Day Has Dealt Us

Volatile trading is calming down, revealing several opportunities. The euro has retraced its yesterday’s downswing, the Japanese yen is strengthening – just as the Canadian dollar is. Swiss franc is another currency we’re keeping a close eye on....

Thinking North Takes a Look at Cannabis

For the seventh time, I had the opportunity to be the keynote speaking at a Thinking North event. It was held on February 28, 2019 in Toronto. It was a another successful Thinking North event with 150+ attendees. Four companies within the cannabis industry were provid...

Why Does Steve Eisman Plan to Short the North?

“We’re going to make the big banks hurt,” Mark Baum, The Big Short If you’ve seen the movie, The Big Short, you know the sort of shenanigans that helped lead to the big financial crisis of 2008. Millions lost their hom...

A Fresh Look at a New Military Tech Opportunity

(Click image to play video) It is a recognised fact that military spending – both globally and especially in the U.S. – is increasing and represents a highly lucrative market opportunity worth billions. Now, a well-positioned Canadian military and defense tech co...

Feeling the Pulse Reveals Brand New Opportunities in Currencies

Don’t be deceived by the lack of sizable moves in the currencies. They just want to lull you to sleep as they set sail on their next moves. By then, it could be too late to catch them. Doing so would certainly expose you to more risk while decreasing the potent...
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