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Last one standing: The most undervalued lithium stock?

Why this company could be the next big lithium buyout (Source: Lithium South Development Corp.) By Carlise Kane of The Equedia Letter Records are meant to be broken – but not this badly. After a record-breaking 2022, THIS industry is on...

How this Company Plans to Meet the Growing Need for Graphite

The demand for graphite is expected to soar. According to The International Energy Agency, in four years, the world will see around 125 million electric vehicles on the road. Electric vehicles need graphite to produce the anode of lithium-ion batteries. For companies like ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Holiday blues, or blue-chips?

Are you expecting a relaxed market heading into the holidays? That will hardly be the case. Savvy investors and brokers know this is the time to shine. With every twist and turn the global economy has been throwing our way, the right move is keeping active. Th...

Bravada Gold: It's All About the Sinters

Thibaut Lepouttre, editor of the Caesars Report, considers the implications of the deal recently negotiated with OceanaGold for exploration of gold projects in Nevada. Introduction Over the past few years, we noticed one common thing in the mining secto...

John Kaiser Picks a Sleeper Gold Stock

In this backstage interview at the Metals Investor Forum (MIF) in Vancouver, John Kaiser of Kaiser Research picked a gold explorer with the largest drill program in Western Canada and probably the smallest market cap at the show. Taiga Gold Corp. (CSE: TGC) was un...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Six More Weeks of Volatility?

If you haven’t heard, the groundhog saw his shadow, and if the snowfall on the East and West coasts weren’t enough of an indication, it looks like winter may be with us for awhile still … along with COVID and its variants, which are still a...

Cannabis testing: the new frontier

The legalization of cannabis in Canada was heralded by growers, dispensaries and users throughout the country, some of whom had been calling for an end to the prohibition of cannabis for years. What many had not anticipated was the need for a rigorous system for tes...

Global Economic Tensions Translate Into Oil Volatility

Our continued efforts to alert and assist fellow traders to the incredible setups that are currently happening throughout the globe with regards to increased global economic tensions are starting to take root. We are hearing from our readers and follower and we love the commen...

After An Extremely Rare Move In Bonds, How Have Stocks And Bonds Performed In The Past?

LEARNING FROM HISTORICAL MARKET FACTS When investors are concerned about future economic outcomes, they often migrate toward more defensive-oriented long-term U.S. Treasury bonds (TLT). The recent surge in demand for defensive bonds caused an extremely rare and extended loo...

Central Banks Fire Bazooka at Coronavirus. Will Gold Rally?

The new coronavirus has already infected the global economy. The global lockdown means that recession is inevitable. The central banks all over the world have stepped in, including the Fed, cutting interest rates and pumping liquidity into the system. We invite you thus ...
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