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Crunching Some Numbers – Our Researchers Share Their Data – Part II

Continuing our earlier multi-part research post related to our extensive number crunching and predictive modeling systems expectations going forward many years, (Part I ) this second part will highlight some existing data points and start to discuss the concepts of what t...

SPY Breaks Below Fibonacci Bearish Trigger Level

Our research team wanted to share this chart with our friends and followers. This dramatic breakdown in price over the past 4+ days has resulted in a very clear bearish trigger which was confirmed by our Adaptive Fibonacci Price Modeling system. We believe this downside move...

Fibonacci Price Amplitude Arcs Predict Big Gold Breakout

Precious metals have become the focus of many researchers and traders recently. Bank of America recently raised its target to $3000 for gold (source: ). In December 2019, we published a research article suggesting precious metals were setting up a ...

My Big Trend Analysis for Silver Investor – Part I

Everyone seems to be focused on Gold recently and seems to be ignoring the real upside potential in Silver. With all the global economic issues, military tensions, geopolitical issues, and other items continually pushed into the news cycles, it is easy to understand why trader...

Inverse Energy ETF AT Breakout Level – Could Rally Further

Following up on an exciting article we shared with friends and followers on January 17, 2020, it appears ERY has reached the first stage for profit taking with a fairly strong potential we may see this rally continue even higher. Please review the following repost of our origi...

Is The Current Rally A True Valuation Rally or Euphoria?

Our research team has been warning that the US stock market price rally over the past few months has been more of a zombie-land price rally than a true valuation rally. Our researchers believe the continued push higher has been more about capital seeking safety away from forei...

Is A Blow-Off Top Setting Up

Our research team has become increasingly concerned that the US Fed support for the markets has pushed price levels well above true valuation levels and that a risk of a downside price move is still rather high. Recently, we published a research article highlighting our Adap...

Surprise Jobs Number and What It Means For Your Positions

The Huge Non-Farm Payroll number released on Friday, June 5 th , shocked the market. A massive 2.5 million jobs were created in May 2020. If you were paying attention to the data, you’ll also understand that 1.87 million new jobless claims just last week. In ...

US Stock Markets Trade Sideways – Waiting on News/Guidance.

Our researchers believe the global concerns centered around Banking and Debt within the Emerging Markets and Asia/Europe are very likely to become major issues over the next 3+ months. These potentially dangerous issues could have far-reaching pricing ramifications for almost ...

Metals & VIX Are Set To Launch Dramatically Higher

The recent rotation in the US stock market and US major indexes have set up a very interesting pattern in the Metals and VIX charts. Our researchers believe precious metals, Gold and Silver, are setting up a new momentum base/bottom and are beginning an early stage bullish pri...
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