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Buzz on the Bullboards: Big Names Return

If you’re looking to see the stocks that investors have been keeping an eye on over the past week, you’ve come to the right place. The Stockhouse Community regularly acts as a microcosm of investor sentiment at large. Great results lead to a lot...

Buzz on the Bullboards: September’s low cost / high return stocks

Is this the end of summer? Some say yes, some say the heat and calendar indicate otherwise … but the upcoming Labour Day long weekend marks the return to school for some, and the return to busines...

Buzz on the Bullboards: WEED announces $3.4B U.S. acquisition

Investors visit the Stockhouse Bullboards (naturally) to talk stocks. But they also come to the Bullboards to post and swap information with other investors. An example of the latter took place yesterday on the Bullboard of Aurora Cannabis Inc ( TSX: ACB , NYSE: ACB , Foru...

Buzz on the Bullboards: More tricks than treats in today’s stock market?

It has been an uneasy week for markets on Bay Street and Wall Street. After the TSX hit a two-week low a few days ago, the Bank of Canada voted to keep interest rates at 5 per cent, kicking off a risk rally. U.S. markets have also fared well as optimism grows that...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Gold and Psychedelics Shake Up the Top

In a time of renewed uncertainty in the markets, investors tend to focus on the more consistent plays. The recent wave of uncertainty follows the earlier wave, both caused by increases in COVID-19 coronavirus cases and worries over the state of the economy. At first it ha...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Defending Voter Rights

(Image via @porkchopchili.) There is one burning topic among Stockhouse’s Bullboards of late … the showdown for the White House. Early voting is underway in the US for what is a presidential election for the ages and as we all know, there has been ...

Rock Tech Lithium, Varta, Volkswagen - The German battery is coming!

ON THE AUTHOR: André Will-Laudien Born in Munich, he first studied economics and graduated in business administration at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in 1995. As he was involved with the stock market at a very early stage, he now has more than 30 years of experien...

Why These Lithium and Cobalt Companies May Be the Ultimate Contrarian Play

Lithium and cobalt companies are a hidden gem in the mining sector. Lithium and cobalt, along with nickel, are the primary metals used in most modern batteries. 42% of the world's cobalt production goes toward the creation of lithium-ion cell batteries. According to t...

Real story behind last week's stock-market panic

Thursday's U.S. stock market trading session qualified as a genuine stock-market "panic." They're rare, fortunately, so they're memorable. You can say you were there. According to the volume analysts at Lowry Research Corp., this stock market panic was ...

Covid, debt and precious metals

Precious metals are loving the uncertainty the coronavirus has created. Despite limited successes some countries have had with reopening, the virus is nowhere near contained. As of this writing, close to 6 million worldwide are infected and 365,328 have died. The importan...
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