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Royal Helium – Rising Up in the Market

Every sector has its’ time to shine. Helium has slowly been making its’ way into the spotlight, waiting for that moment when all systems are go. Quite frankly, in my opinion, I don’t think we will have to wait that much longer ...

Air Liquide, NEL ASA, RHC Royal Helium Corp. - Helium replaces hydrogen

Helium is a chemical element and is lighter than air. It belongs to the pure gases, is colourless, odourless, tasteless and is generally regarded as non-toxic. Because of these characteristics, helium is already replacing hydrogen in industrial use. However, experts warn of a ...

dynaCERT, NEL ASA, Royal Helium - this stock really lifts off

The French astronomer Jules Janssen first discovered helium on our Sun in 1868. Since then, experts have discovered that the Sun consists largely of helium and hydrogen. In reference to the Greek sun god Helios, the discovered inert gas was called helium. After hydrogen, heliu...

dynaCERT, NEL ASA, Royal Helium - benefit from the UN climate mission

Helium and hydrogen are now not only driving space travel and modern mobility, the inert gases are also the focus of investors and politicians. While Elon Musk and Richard Branson want to make space tourism possible and NASA is using SpaceX to implement extensive programmes wi...

ITM Power, Nikola, Royal Helium - why investors are buying in now

Hydrogen is an interesting energy storage medium for modern ground mobility. The decisive factor for environmental protection, however, is the way in which the energy source is obtained. Green hydrogen is produced from renewable energy sources, i.e. electricity is used for its...

Almonty, BYD, Royal Helium - developments of great importance

We live in a global business environment, though currently we seem detached due to the fight against the Corona Pandemic, business goes on and this too shall pass. Elon Musk is already preparing for the conquest of space with SpaceX and the fierce battle for market share in th...

Commerzbank, Royal Dutch Shell, Wirecard - Opportunities and Potentials

Price developments on stock markets around the world have led to enormous losses for investors in recent weeks. Particularly hard hit were investors who worked leveraged with credits and had to sell their positions in connection with falling prices. An escalating situation due...

Airbus, Royal Dutch Shell, Triumph Gold - Identifying and taking advantage of opportunities

Globalisation is a competition with different interests. Access to knowledge and raw materials as well as a certain vertical range of manufacturing play an important role. Over many decades, the USA and Europe have occupied various leading positions in the field of role alloca...

BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Total - which tanker companies are getting booked now?

The contact restrictions around the globe have led to a decrease in the consumption of crude oil. A large part of the crude oil produced worldwide comes from OPEC countries. These countries depend mainly on the sales revenues from the black gold with their national budgets. Th...

NEL ASA, Royal Helium, SolGold - profit lies in purchasing

These are exciting times for investors who focus on trends and technologies. Mobility is a hotly debated topic of the present. The storage of energy plays a decisive role alongside its generation. Those who can demonstrate solutions in this market have a lucrative future ahead...
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