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AI & Humor in the Workplace … A Laughing Matter?

We have all worried about “robots taking our jobs”, but working in a creative field, I’ve always had a high-and-mighty belief that no mere machine could do what I do … until they could. Running a certain set of parameters through an ar...

Mar 20th 2020, Silver Chartbook – No time for fear

No time for fear In our last publication of our weekly silver chartbook we advised the purchase of physical silver. It was timely since shortly thereafter shortages of physical precious metal deliveries were common. Coins and bullion are now being sold as much as 10...

Nowhere to Hide

As I begin the weekly missive here on Thursday, the U.S. equity markets are experiencing the worst daily assault since that fateful day back in 1987, when the Dow lost 23% in a single trading session, sending thousands of Gucci-clad stockbrokers to the Sears re-fit aisle....

Top Two ETF Trends to Watch: ESG and Nontransparent

U.S.-based ETFs had a red-hot 2019, ending the year with $4.4 trillion in assets, a 30 percent increase from 2018. Even bigger changes could be headed our way, if some of the discussions at this year’s Inside ETFs are any indication. Two topics seemed ...


Sector expert Michael Ballanger interprets year-end investment tactics by looking back at a childhood encounter. "Gold is money; everything else is credit." —J.P. Morgan My first faithful dog Fido (circa 1963) and I used to play a game years ago before his eyes and ...

Q4 Guesstimates: Precious Metals, Miners and Stocks

You have all heard me opine about the (un)dependability of rules-based investing in a managed market environment, where it is not kosher for a financial advisor to fire off a promotional tweet about their favorite stock but it is perfectly acceptable for a sitting presi...