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Energy junior looking to become a mid-tier gas producer

PRICE, Utah - I had no idea Utah was such a prolific resource-producing region. Passing the giant Bingham Canyon open pit mine on my way to a natural gas project in the Uinta Basin, I was reminded otherwise. The combination of liberal political policies and bountiful depo...

Q3/19 Active, 2020 Outlook Positive for Canadian Oil Company

The producer's Q3/19 financial and operating results are reviewed in an iA Securities report. In an Oct. 31 research note, iA Securities analyst Michael Charlton reported that Whitecap Resources Inc.'s (WCP:TSX) Q3/19 production was a beat and its new joint...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Much-needed good news

It has been a week of good news for investors. The Bank of Canada kept interest rates on hold at 4.50 per cent, becoming the first major central bank to suspend its campaign against rising inflation. Although it has been a volatile season and the TSX sustained lo...

What happens To The Global Economy If Oil Collapses Below $40 – Part III

This, the final section of this multi-part research article, will continue our exploration of the consequences that may result from our ADL predictive modeling system's suggestion that Oil may continue to fall to levels below $40 over the next few months. In Part I an...

Margaret Lake Diamonds' Latest Acquisition, Kiyuk Lake Gold Property, Could Prove to Be a Game Chang

The Critical Investor explains how a recently acquired gold project in Nunavut may completely change the company. 1. Introduction Sometimes you see juniors switching from metal to metal, trying to catch the flavor of the day, riding the hypes with basically worthle...

As the Demand for Copper Grows, So Does this Explorer & Developer’s Projects

(Click image to play video) Back in March , Stockhouse last met up Libero Copper & Gold’s ( TSX-V.LBC , OTCQB: LBCMF , Forum ) President & CEO Ian Harris to talk about his company’s four-pack of copper porphyry ...

Pattern-Similarity With 1998, Is Predicting A Pullback in the S&P 500

Our working hypothesis is that the dominant human emotion, fear leaves traces in the pricing history of the market which emerge as repetitive patterns . We search for these patterns and analyze the correlations between these patterns and market performance, in order to keep...

Sonoro on pathway to 1M oz gold and heap leach open pit operation

Noteworthy individuals recently issuing bullish commentary on Sonoro Metals Corp. include Greg McCoach and Kaiser Research, additionally SMO.V is the subject of a Mining MarketWatch Journal review, see online. Sonoro Metals C...

Malevolent Microbes

There is a local casino just "up the road" from where we reside that we visit (once in a blue moon), small sums of pocketed cash in hand, to play a few favored slot machines to see if we can defy the house odds and come home winners. Called The Great Blue Heron Casino, we...

God Bless Winston

"'Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." - Sir Winston Churchill Throughout history, society has always canonized certain political, military, and religious icons for reasons seemingly obvious, but after drilling down into the fa...
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