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The Most Important Resource on the Planet

What do you think the world’s most important commodity is? Is it copper? Is it gold? No, it’s water. Water truly is a commodity we cannot live without. Gigantic quantities of water are used in almost every food and drink we consume. F...

Good Buys Among Resource Companies

Fund manager Adrian Day looks at four of the resource companies in his portfolio, three of which he calls good buys at current prices. Altius Minerals Corp. (ALS:TSX.V, Toronto, 10.71) generated $78 million in royalty revenue last year, following a soft las...

Aben Resources: Mines are built not found

Exploration is a hunt for minerals. If it was as easy as flying a helicopter survey, taking a few soil samples, and then punching in some corresponding holes, everyone would be successful at it. But it doesn’t work that way, the earth guards her secrets close...

The State of the Financial Union

Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold makes available the first two chapters of his most recent book that delve into the current state of the economy. Yellow Vests walking in Oloron, France. Photo: Robert Moriarty After being bugged unmercifully by a couple of m...

Gold Report from the Two Besieged Cities

Two cities are besieged. One by officials, activists and business leaders, while the second by bloodthirsty politicians. Will anyone escape? No one knows, but the gold coin has always helped bribe the guards to look the other way… Just take a look at how it held value rece...

Have We Just Seen the First Short-Term Crack in the Stock Market Dam?

Stocks reached out for new 2020 highs yesterday, and have marginally overcome futures’ Monday session highs. Yet, they suffered a setback yesterday, and price action left the very short-term rising wedge. But the bulls erased a good deal of previous losses, and...

The S&P 500 Bull Keeps Climbing the Wall of Worry

How close to its end is this S&P 500 consolidation are we – will the rebound meet its spark? Yesterday's session carries signs of the upcoming move, which I think will be higher. As said yesterday – in the battle of narratives, the corona second wave fears still play second fi...

A Bold Innovator in Tactical & Defense Security

(Image via KWESST Inc.) KWESST Inc. ( TSX-V: FMV.P ) is a Canadian military tech Company that “makes dumb weapons smart” by developing proprietary technology for the military and homeland security markets. Its Executive Chairman David Luxton wa...

Fresh water crisis unfolding

When planetary scientists search for life on other planets the first thing they look for is evidence of water. “There are two main questions in the search for life: With so many places to look, how can we focus in on the places most likely to harbor life? What are the unmi...

Smart City Security Takes Shape in Mexico City with Lighting and Analytics Collaboration

The two firms are bringing together lighting, cameras and analytic technology. Energetika, an international firm based in Mexico City that provides intelligent lighting solutions, is collaborating with VSBLTY Groupe Technologies Corp. (VSBY:CSE; VSBGF:OTC; 5VS:FRA) ,...
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