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Buzz on the Bullboards: Do you have these stocks in your portfolio?

This past week, the TSX has been riding a wave of optimism, buoyed by expectations of potential interest-rate cuts in the United States. However, the index recently snapped an impressive eight-session winning streak after data revealed that Canada’...

The Die Is Cast

One of my good friends from the 1980s and 1990s was the late Ian McAvity, a superb technical analyst, a founder of Central Fund of Canada, a Bay Street Mover and, most importantly, a humble and thoroughly enjoyable man. He was the first newsletter writer that I came acros...

Cracking the Code to Society’s Most Feared Disease

Even more so than cancer, it’s the one disease that we all fear the most. The thought of falling prey to Alzheimer’s disease and to the inevitable desecration of our mind is something that makes even the bravest among us shudder. ...

Flying Under the Radar with a Possible COVID-19 Treatment

Investors would think a pharmaceutical company heading into Phase 2b/3 human trials for treating the third most malignant disease after lung cancer and pancreatic cancer would draw eyes from major players. If that same company announced it was embarking on Phase2b/3 human tri...