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Intra-day Fibonacci Modeling Shows Volatility Is About To Spike

Our research team, at Technical Traders Ltd. alerted us to a Fibonacci technical pattern that is setting up in the US stock market right now. This pattern suggests that volatility will increase dramatically over the next few days/weeks as intra-day price action suggests deeper...

Nov 23rd 2019, Crypto Chartbook – Why markets work

Why markets work We as humans are fooled by a brain that functions on comparison. However, based on the true principle, every moment is unique and we expand with every time increment into an absolutely new future (big bang theory). We would be overwhelmed by the vastness o...

Blockchain Holdings Acquires Monitoring System, Successfully Implemented in Hong Kong, to Help ...

Blockchain Holdings Acquires Monitoring System, Successfully Implemented in Hong Kong, to Help Stem the Spread of COVID-19 Simple, non-invasive hospital-style wrist band and SaaS technology could spell explosive growth for company as the world combats the cor...

All That Glitters When the World Jitters is Probably Gold

The economic pressures and concerns within the global markets have not abated just because the US Fed has ramped up the printing presses. Inversely, the stock market price levels may be elevated based on a false expectation of a quick recovery and of future expectations that...

Beware the Stock Market

While I happen to be a giant fan of the Daily Sentiment Index (DSI), I also use a bunch of other signals. The DSI is the single best indicator I've found but there are dozens of other measures of investor sentiment. If you are a contrarian, you search constantly for s...

Next to a Mt. (Milligan) of gold

As investors at the recent World Resource Investment Conference in Vancouver looked to 2013 with hopeful eyes, many agreed that 2012 couldn’t be forgotten quickly enough. The ongoing debt crisis and stagnant world economy took its toll on exploration plays in...

Part II - Metals and VIX Are About To Pull A “Crazy Ivan”

In the first part of this multi-part research post, we highlighted what we are calling a Crazy Ivan price event (borrowed from the movie Red October - (source). The one thing we want you to take away from this article is that August 19, 2019, should be a major price inflection...

17 best payday loans online: Quick cash and fast approval this Christmas

If you face a financial emergency, traditional loans may not be a viable option if you have bad credit. So what can you do when you need quick cash – especially close if you need cash for Christmas gifts during the festive season? The best online payday loans are an a...

Key Recession Indicators and Gold

Do you want to protect your capital against recession? Great, just like us and millions of other people. The key questions is, thus, how to predict that the danger is coming. We invite you to read our today’s article and find out what are key recession indicat...

Is The Debt Crisis About To Be Reborn In 2020?

We have been focused on the upside price move in Gold and Precious Metals, we've been engaged in multiple private conversations with members and friends about the potential for a renewed debt crisis between now and the end of 2020. This research post should help to put so...
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