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Doctor Copper Strikes – A True Economic Barometer

Copper has long been an excellent proxy for global economic health. It’s used in everything from washing machines to electric cars. That’s why copper is often referred to as “Doctor Copper” – because it c...

Visionary Vicissitude

It was one of those days that all sexagenarians loathe; you have to go to the doctor, and whether it's the GP (general practitioner) or the dentist or the proctologist, nothing reminds you more rapidly of your advancing age than going to the optometrist. Now, many of ...

The Canadian Gold Co. That’s Unlocking Africa’s Gold Potential

(Image via Galane Gold Ltd.) The big story in 2020 for many investors has been the trajectory of gold prices, which eclipsed its record high recently, above the $2,000 / Oz. level. Though prices have calmed down since then, traders are still tracking the precious...

An Increasingly Valuable and Strategically-Located Phosphate Play

Stockhouse investors looking for a different kind of metals & mining play may, or may not, be that familiar with rock phosphate…but it’s essential to feeding the world…especially since the dawn of the New Green Revolution. Chatham Rock Phosphate Ltd. (NZP) ...

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Ill winds mark its fearsome flight, And autumn branches creak with fright. The landscape turns to ashen crumbs, When something wicked this way comes... (Ray Bradbury) There is a certain maneuver in military strategy that involves the act of conve...

BioNTech, CureVac, EXMceuticals - reaching their goal with government support

In the fight against the spread of the Corona Pandemic, a great deal of commitment is required from companies. This situation also offers the opportunity to rethink and change existing work processes and procedures. Product ranges are being expanded and new possibilities and a...

Meet the Full Cycle Energy Co. That’s Creating REAL Shareholder Value

‘Underexplored’ and ‘undervalued’ are two buzzwords that are music to the ears of savvy investors with a keen interest into the ever-growing and ever-evolving energy space. Enter Gran Tierra Energy Inc. (GTE) ( TSX.GTE , NYSEAMER...

good natured Products: transforming bio-based technology into earth-friendly products

Welcome to the Market Herald, I’m Simon Druker and you’re watching the Top Line. good natured Products Inc. is focused on transforming bio-based technology into earth-friendly products, available across the food sector. The Vancouver-ba...

Cypress Development Corp. (TSX.V:CYP) Clayton Valley Lithium Project versus Chinese LCE/ EV ...

Cypress Development Corp. (TSX.V:CYP) Clayton Valley Lithium Project versus Chinese LCE/ EV battery supply The pause in industrial activity brought about by the covid-19 crisis has led us to a fork in the road with respect to the direction we as a society take in ...

Is Silver About To Become The Super-Hero Of Precious Metals?

If you've been following our research, you already know how accurately we've been nailing the precious metals price moves. We've been calling Gold and Silver accurately since early 2018 and continue to focus a good portion of our efforts in studying these incredible setups. Le...
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