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The future of the textile marketplace

Countries manufacturing textiles will likely acquire a healthy dose of revenue into their economy. According to , the population is increasing to 9.5 billion, with the global apparel market reaching over $2 trillion by 2025. Given the massive gr...

Commodities sector has a new king

Gold is grabbing the headlines setting daily record highs. Silver is setting an-even-more-torrid pace. Wheat and coffee - American breakfast table staples - are surging due to bad weather around the world. But there's another commodity that's up big: It's surged ...

Broad Market Sector Rotation Starts In 60+ Days – Part I

We have been writing about the strong potential for a deeper market rotation in the US and global markets for well over 60+ days. In fact, our researchers predicted an August 2019 breakdown date based on Super-Cycle patterns that, eventually, pushed into 2020 as the US/China t...

How this Company Plans to Meet the Growing Need for Graphite

The demand for graphite is expected to soar. According to The International Energy Agency, in four years, the world will see around 125 million electric vehicles on the road. Electric vehicles need graphite to produce the anode of lithium-ion batteries. For companies like ...

Interview: Newlox CEO Ryan Jackson on building a green gold producer with rapid growth trajectory

Newlox Gold Ventures Corp. ( CSE: LUX ) is an innovative junior gold production and green technology company targeting the USD 27 billion artisanal and small-scale mining industry. Newlox Gold has one gold production facility in production. It is exploiting a first-mover&Clo...

Gold sector: Current situation and per-ounce valuations

Below is an excerpt from a commentary originally posted at on December 18, 2011. Current market situation Last week's price action proved that the correction/consolidation in the gold sector that began in December of last year is stil...

Prime Mining Wants to Produce in 2022

Prime Mining Corp. (PRYM:TSX.V) has picked up an existing gold mine in Sinaloa, Mexico with a production history going to the 18 th Century. Guadalupe de los Reyes is estimated to have produced 500,000 to 600,000 ounces of gold and 40 million ounces of silver. Prime is ...

A Gold Operation Investing in People & Precious Metals

(Image via O2Gold Inc.) In October 2020, the gold exploration Company O2Gold Inc. ( TSX-V: OTGO , Forum ) signed an agreement to acquire the Otú gold mining project, comprised of 26 mining claims and applications totaling 24,001 hectares, around Colombia&...

Why is this Company combining Artificial Intelligence and Psychedelics to address Mental Afflictions

(Click image to play video) Did you know that in Canada, it is estimated that by the age of 40, half of the population will have, or will have had, a mental illness? The recent surge of interest in psychedelic drugs is due to their potential for more effective tr...

Why This Gold Stock is Up 171% Year-to-date

Although Ontario is Canada’s largest producer of gold, out west in British Columbia, the province is fourth only behind Quebec and Nunavut. British Columbia also hosts the infamous Golden Triangle, situated in the northern region of the province close to t...
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