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Receive 7% dividends from America's most profitable stock

Makers of cigarettes and the U.S. government must play a bizarre game... and not one American in 100,000 understands it. Everyone knows cigarettes are "evil." On Friday, the state of Kansas will ban smoking in indoor public places. And in San Francisco, they're cl...

Fed Slashes Rates to Zero and Introduces QE in Response to COVID-19. Will Gold Rally Now?

On Sunday, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates and restarted quantitative easing to stimulate economy hit by the pandemic of COVID-19. That’s already its second move prior to this Wednesday’s FOMC. What does it imply for gold? It&CloseCurl...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Tracking the Major Movers: Opportunities & Warnings

(Image via New Found Gold Corp.) Markets have been increasingly volatile in recent weeks. While these erratic swings can tend to fray the nerves of investors, the flip side of this is that gains can now be made in a matter of weeks (or even days) that would equate t...

Buzz on the Bullboards: The Summer’s Most Talked About Sectors

The summer trading season is well underway as we celebrate a holiday here in Canada and this weekend in the US. Even on days that the markets were closed, the Bullboards on Stockhouse are wide open and busy with lively discussions on some of the biggest (and smallest) sto...

The Golden Bullet for Drug Delivery

It’s the Holy Grail in the cannabis industry. Everyone is trying to innovate the best delivery system to optimize the “bioavailability” (uptake) of medical cannabis in order to offer the perfect pairing -- precise dosing with a fast on...

Cannabis tester FluroTech is a market disruptor

The legalization of cannabis in Canada - only the second country after Uruguay to do so - presents a huge business opportunity here and elsewhere. The global cannabis market is expected to hit $146 billion by the end of 2025. Most of the action is expected to be centered in ...

Big Picture Outlook: Seat Belts Tightened

"Gold is money; everything else is credit." —J.P. Morgan Dating back to the mid-80s, and usually around the end of November, I begin to formulate strategies and portfolios looking out to the upcoming New Year, taking into account technical, fundamental and geopolitica...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Celebrating Success in Difficult Times with an Eye to a Profitable 2021.

As we continue the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the recent global rollout of effective vaccines to win the battle against the coronavirus gives us pause to give hope for a better 2021 and reflect on some of the amazing accomplishments both individuals and companie...

Why This Psychedelics Company is Focused on Weight Management

Psychedelics are transforming so many aspects of our everyday lives — from treating mental health conditions to weight management and obesity. Companies like NeonMind Biosciences ( CSE:NEON , OTCQB:NMDBD , Forum ) are at the forefront of this innovation ...

Cannabis testing: the new frontier

The legalization of cannabis in Canada was heralded by growers, dispensaries and users throughout the country, some of whom had been calling for an end to the prohibition of cannabis for years. What many had not anticipated was the need for a rigorous system for tes...
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