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CENIT, SYZYGY, Triumph Gold - business models with upside potential

A well-diversified portfolio should always include different industries and regions. Depending on the investment horizon and risk profile, a wide range of investment opportunities are available on the capital market. In addition to well-known large companies, there are also in...

AI as a winning model!

200% return with Super Micro Computer and BlockchainK2; caution with Intel and Aixtron! The high-tech wave has been quite pronounced so far in 2024. Even the correction in July had little impact on the strong trend, which is now continuing upward. However, inve...

Datable's Multi-Channel Rewards Program Converts Data into Dollars with Its Loyal Customers,...

Datable's Multi-Channel Rewards Program Converts Data into Dollars with Its Loyal Customers, Top Line Revenue Expected to More Than Double for 2020 Having attracted major brands such as Universal Pictures, Fandango and Toro to its consumer loyalty and rewards pla...

Blockchain Holdings Acquires Monitoring System, Successfully Implemented in Hong Kong, to Help ...

Blockchain Holdings Acquires Monitoring System, Successfully Implemented in Hong Kong, to Help Stem the Spread of COVID-19 Simple, non-invasive hospital-style wrist band and SaaS technology could spell explosive growth for company as the world combats the cor...

Regulatory clarity for market evolution: Canada’s position in global crypto industry

By Shaed Hashimkhial Canada is a forefront contender in financial innovation and cryptocurrency, with significant potential to dominate the digital asset sector. However, opinions vary within the industry; some advocate for clear legislation to support growth, whil...

Aviation industry remains up in the air rebounding from COVID-19

Aviation is a multi-billion dollar industry that gets us where we need to go, but with those dollars comes a lot of attention especially when incidents, good or bad end up on social media. As the airline industry navigates, rebounding, following the COVID-19 pandemic, as ...

Meet The Company That Is Giving Consumers Back Control of Their Own Data

(Click image to watch video) With offices in Toronto and New York, Killi Ltd. ( TSXV: MYID , OTCQB: MYIDD , Forum ) is a Canadian-based data company focused on data protection and privacy by allowing consumers to take back control of their data from those wh...

News Flash!

"Never trust anything a banker (broker) tells you."—former billionaire (now millionaire) Here is a news flash: I am sick to death of The Fed, unelected demigods that rarely, if ever, had to meet payroll. I am also completely disgusted with this unholy "Divine Right ...

New research report on Nextech3D.AI by H.C. Wainwright & Co.

Click here for the full report . This is sponsored content issued on behalf of Nextech3D.AI Corp., please see full disclaimer here .

Saudi Arabia issues first sovereign bonds since 2007

Top Bullboards post: “ Saudi Arabia issues first sovereign bonds since 2007, ” writes Urbani in a Cardiff Energy Corp. ( TSX: V.CRS , Stock Forum ). Top Bullboard: iSign Media Solutions Inc. ( TSX: V.ISD , Stock Forum ) was the most p...
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