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AI’s Rapid Disruption—Is Bitcoin the Safe Haven?

AI’s Market Shake-Up and Bitcoin’s Response: The Ripple Effect of Disruption In this video, Adam O’Brien, Founder and CEO of Bitcoin Well. Inc (TSX.V:BTCW) sits with Lyndsay from Stockhouse Publishing to talk about h...

Cizzle Brands, Changing Consumer Habits in Consumables

Cizzle Brands Corporation (N: CZZL) is an emerging leader in the health & wellness industry. Their mission is to replace all of the unhealthy, sugary and fattening foods and fill our cupboards with healthy, nutritious alternatives. Here to dive into the world of he...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Three engaging TSX stocks with a holiday flavour

TSX this week The TSX has experienced a rocky week, marked by five consecutive sessions of declines. This downturn coincided with the unexpected resignation of Canada’s Finance Minister , Chrystia Freeland, just hours before she was scheduled to pre...

dynaCERT: Growth Rocket 2025 – Why It’s in the Spotlight

As 2024 draws to a close, it is worth considering new investments for the future. A successful investment in the technology sector requires a sound strategy, thorough research, and an understanding of the ins and outs of the industry. We have summarized key points for in...

In conversation with: Pierre Gratton: How can we built more mines faster in Canada?

The Mining Association of Canada’s President and CEO Pierre Gratton discusses his Vancouver Board of Trade presentation addressing the question, “How can we build more mines faster? He covers several key issues including, the need for critical miner...

How this company is transforming the immersive tech industry

The immersive technology market size continues generating traction with the market projected to reach US$159.94 billion in 2024, according to market research . In the coming years, it will continue increasing at a rapid rate to reach US$638.69 billion in 2028, represent...

WINNERS of the COP 29: Siemens Energy, Plug Power, dynaCERT!

The CO2 markets and emissions trading are among the few winners of the climate conference in Baku. The dynaCERT share should benefit, as the technology company could face a surge of orders in 2025, potentially leading to a revaluation of the stock. Siemens Energy has rece...

Buzz on the Bullboards: TSX hits new high amid holiday optimism and sector disparities

This past week, the TSX reached a new intraday high, reflecting a buoyant market sentiment as investors gear up for the holiday season. However, the rally has highlighted a significant divide among various indices, with some sectors outperforming others. As the fes...

Visionstate set to leverage success in the U.S. market

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . Visionstate Corp (TSXV:VIS) , a company whose vision is to be the leading global provider of IoT solutions for facility management. Their flagship software WANDA i...

Desert Gold Ventures - A jewel for the investor?

With geopolitical tensions, a potential gold-backed BRICS currency, and declining interest rates, gold is experiencing a true renaissance – and the recent rally, which pushed the price towards US$2,800 per ounce, has sparked investor interest like never before. As the go...
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